
Glad to contribute! Just paying it forward from fellow runner and friend @nwtdarren. Now come on new runners, hit the pavement or trails!

Great idea!

Cool ! Thanks @jumowa ET @dabeckster

Thank you @jumowa and thank you @dabeckster!

Thx Trad. Next time please remember to link the challenge

Ops sorry. I'll make sure I link to the correct challange and not just the tag

@jumowa thank you for the good job, we are happy to be part of your challenge.
And @dabeckster, really nice, thank you too.

Ok, here is our runforsteem this week:

Woohoo! Thanks!
Upvoted resteemed and I ran it a bit after

Thanks @junowa please add me in again this week. I have upvoted and will now resteem.

Please remember to link the current challenge ;)

oups ! sorry. ;-)

Witam! Nastepnym razem prosze dodac odpowiedni link w swoim blogu ;)

Oj, proszę wybaczyć.
Chodzi o link do wyzwania?

Here is my latest post: thanks @dabeckster for the sponsorship! Are you aware of the @runningproject that's also an incentive scheme to motivate runners and there's even a bot to help this community called @isotonic

I'm sorry to use this for a self-promotion, but can I ask everyone for a favor, can you please vote for us as a witness @swisswitness?

I'd really appreciate it! Anyone else reading this not voting for any witness or that has some spots left, please vote for us as well

Great initiative jumowa !

I'll make sure to join next week.