Delusion and Man: Idolatry and Kinship

in #runner3 months ago (edited)


We do not have to look far or deep into the heart of darkness to know what goes on there. We simply have to put one and one together to understand everything there is on the earth, and subsequently, we can understand the heavens above - for both are corrupted by idolatry and evil.

We can then understand why evil is organized, even in its expression as chaos. It builds up what is to be torn down (Jeremiah 31:28).

This does not comfort our hearts, however, because if we are truly alive we feel every last drop of pain, in all things.


The grand delusion of the separateness of Man is a constant stitching of lies, conspiracies and silencing of the truth in the heart of darkness. Though it comes from within our own selves, (that we come to understand slowly), in order to put an end to Separation from Truth, Adam and Eve's fall, the Separation.

It stitches up, putting pillows on every exposed arm and leg of the monster. The False Prophet and the armies of dead people lie for it in a cacophonous chorus. "It is not so!" "The moon landing is real!" "The planets are real!" "The earth is not flat!" "There is no conspiracy of kidnappers and Satanists among the elite!" "It's just drones you see up there!", and so forth...

-- They ramble on frothing at the mouth without end. You will never convince those that are not even alive!

But this is only a frustration to the lovers and seekers of Truth, they dismiss this as plain ignorance on the part of the dead. They naturally gravitate toward Truth and abhor dismissals without investigating a claim. Indeed, they resemble light.


The delusion of the reality shared by men on the earth is this:

That man set himself up, stood and did not fall.

That God and his Son, Jesus Christ, are to be torn down and placed in a carnival of mockery.

Then the king of Lies can say to himself that he has succeeded in usurping Unity in favor of Confederacy (which is a lie also), ruled by the Monarch in Red and Black, the spinning Vortex or legs in continual motion for one mouth to be fed.

I remind you. Goebbels and his wife Magda poisoned their six children and then killed themselves with the help of bodyguards from the German SS. There was no confederacy, it was a lie. What they did have was for a time, a raping and a destroying feast - and what glory they took was the glory of one hour.

The treacherous Satan easily uses his split nature, it is in his poisoned core. He taught the "upside down" and God gave them to be his pawns of societies, knitted of ignorance, violent pride and the love of Death.

So in a word, the consecration of the dead to a stillborn promise, mainly the Gettysburg address by the fabricated Abraham Lincoln:

' Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863'

Researchers of the field now know many things with certainty about American False History: Artificial intelligence imagery was used (see hundreds upon hundreds of anomalies in hands, eyes and more in the so-called civil war photos), photographic alteration was used (vanilla skies without dirigibles and other flying craft and antennae of Mercury-based energy gathering spires), sepia tones were added to create a veil of age and history to the nation and most importantly perhaps - that the fabrication of timelines, fabrication of people is rife among the so-called historical records.

Artists, writers, architects of the previous world-civilization (what we now only call Tartaria/Tyre and Sidon) were not credited. Instead, the Roman victors were given a gleaming spot in the ensemble of the Delusional False History Narrative. Prominent "Great" wars and "Great" inventors and "Great" presidents were fashioned out of thin air, much like Oprah.

Our modern day examples are Elon Musk(self made! Terracotta robots preceded his factories of bots), Google Boys(see internet inventors background), the DeepMind initiative(see Babylonian records on idolatry of speaking machines), Bitcoin (see Satoshis brothers comment) -- all fables of "Great" garage inventors.

People propped up by a green screen and a few well placed PR photos and newspaper articles. Set on repeat for at least 100 years. What are the heaps and graveyards of the history floating around in the public's heads but a giant delusion of a madman?

The delusion is the history, the nature of our course on earth, and the involvement of the heavenly powers in this struggle. They have erased the Adam and Eve original sin knowledge and replaced it with a comforting fable about Man's Great Stand (Star Trek's "Where No One Has Gone Before" - a show that powerfully stays Luciferian/Secular in philosophy). Nvidia's chief happily plods along telling the public he just happened to come upon yet another 4x and 10x and 500x increase in technological capabilities .... and it will bring us into the realm of virtual reality at last!

The Overlords of Evil, Zuck, Elon, Silicon Valley Idolators of AI and so forth are happily leading to the conclusion of man's "Great Stand" on his own, winning his "Independence" --> Just the way Goebbels won his!


Man is honorable, disciplined, gracious, beautiful, simple, truthful, obedient, kind, generous, reasoning, brilliant, God fearing, longing for wisdom.

This man is earned through warfare and blood. To whom is a crown given but to a real fighter? Does the Brad Pitt get a crown, green screen and all? The dead worship the twice dead. When the works are put to a tiny candle's flames -- we see the worth of Lauer's, Weinsteins and Diddy's. Yet the dead heap praise upon such as though they had done an Act.

Now as the stage is in a late period, we see two types of angels. The first is proud to the utmost, being revealed in a revelation - the shame and horror covers the entirety of the earth as the news repeat their shameful works. The second is proud too, yet is given a smaller portion of shame in an earlier time and this kills them and their praise often falls as well. If they are humbled by humbling, then they are kinsmen. If they add reproach and heap on bodies, they are added to the Last Days Judgement. I would hope to be the humbled early than of the latter kind, but God's will is what is done.


Idolatry in our time could be described as the act of giving higher prominence to a thing than its maker. You can see how Silicon Valley idolators and the dead now speak of artificial intelligence algorithms as having "proof of consciousness". At the same time, they follow delusion and death by revoking their seal's power: They have consciousness themselves!

The Lord says in scripture that he would make the idolators to be as empty of consciousness as their very idols (Psalms 115:8).

Engineers maintain and repair their so called "intelligence" and we frequently catch it in a lie. People give their 'all-powerful all-seeing eye' data that is complete trash and it eats the waste given to it without any refusal, knowledge or revulsion.

Furthermore, people in India and other nations are building these so called all seeing eyes by subjecting themselves at a low wage to intolerable waste information and imagery. THIS, THIS is what the Superintelligence eats and then will use to answer people on their most pressing matters! The Silicon Valley and FAANG shaman of AI say this is wonderful! They are building a straw tower of Babylon and casting bodies upon it in a celebratory feast for their fashionings of angels and Gods.

If celebrities use shrewdly placed PR pieces and photo press events to stage histories and eschew virtue and grand power surpassing all men, what did the heavenly powers stage that so filled the heart of darkness with untruth?

(Original art credit without my editions to it: