This week I managed to find time for two runs (and two tennis sessions). Not that bad considering a very hectic week and a heat wave like nothing we have experienced earlier. At least not as early as in May. I enjoy going to the beach, but I’m no good at running when it’s hot.
I did get myself a runners watch, so thank you all for your comments and recommendations. I settled on a Garmin Vivoactive 3. It sells as a smartwatch, but I was ensured by the sports store it works really well as a training watch. I was told it is much like a Forerunner 325 with updated technology. I’ve never tried the Forerunner, but that was my other choice, so it sounded good to me.
I like it's feminine look
I haven’t really worked out how to set up a training session yet, and I am still testing the functions of the watch, so my apologies for the presentation.
Here’s the stats for this week:
Because I haven't worked out my watch yet, each interval is seen as a separate run
First run on May 21 was a longer run (long for me). suggested for me to increase my range, I’d go running for an hour, not paying too much attention to speed. By the time I had finished my loop and returned to my house I’d been out for 53 minutes, so I figured that was close enough.
For my second session I did intervals. I don’t enjoy the speed runs! I did intervals of 500 meters, and although I felt tired after each run, I see from my stats that my average heart rate was higher in my long run than my intervals, so I can probably work on my ability to push myself.
Summer has arrived
Another photo from where I run
Nothing can stop a consistent Runner.
Resteemed by @runningproject
Hey @lil-mich the new watch looks great, Garmin are the market leaders for good reason, that make good quality products, but let us know how it goes in the next few weeks. Your running is coming along well too...Keep it up. Regards
Thanks :) There's a lot to get to know about the watch, but I'll test it out for a few weeks and probably post about it :)
Gratulerer med klokke! Jeg har ikke hørt noe om den før så hold oss oppdatert. :) Og, ja! Varmt!!!
takk :) det blir sikkert en blog om den etter hvert ;)
Gratulerer med ny klokke, den ser strålende ut og håper den funker som ønsket! Imponert over at du klare å løpe et par økter til tross for varme. Jeg takler ikke å trene når det er så varmt. Må få det overstått på morgenen eller sent på kvelden i så fall. :)
det var egentlig før den verste varmen satte inn, og det var tidlig. :) nå har jeg vært opptatt inne hele helgen (måtte komme en dugnad NÅ?!) så da ble det lite løping. Ble litt lei av at klokka plinget på armen i tide og utide med "beveg deg" og "mål oppnådd" så måtte skru av noen av aktivitetsmålerne :) :) hvordan går det med forkjølelsen din? håper du føler deg bedre :)