One week ago my place of work closed due to this virus, I thought that was bad enough, now the government has told us we are not to go out unless it is absolutely necessary. We can go to the shop for essentials, go for a run, walk or cycle once a day, go to work if we are keyworkers and can’t work from home. We must not meet up with people who do not live in our household.
If I wasn’t coping very well before then I’m even worse now! I cry at everything! I’m lucky I can still go out for a run but finding the motivation is a struggle but I will push myself out the door. I was supposed to be looking after my grandson today so my daughter could go to work but I’m no longer allowed to do that. It breaks my heart not being able to see him, cuddle him and play but this is for all of us to keep us safe and well. Who knows when all my family can be together again, we are such a close family, we need to stay safe, to stay alive so we get through this and can all be together again.
I spent the morning watching Netflix and FaceTiming my daughter and grandson and my parents, we will be doing this lots over the next few weeks. I have to try and stay quiet around the house as my husband works night shift, 10pm till 7am so he needs to sleep. It wasn’t to much of an issue before as I’m normally at work but now I have to get up and get organised so I have everything from the bedroom that I need for the day, running clothes etc.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day and I forced myself out the door for a run. I just ran round the streets not too far from home but far enough so I could avoid people, social distancing. The government says we should stay at least 2 meters away from each other. I want to do this, I really don’t want to catch this virus, I want to stay safe and keep my family safe. I manage to run 10k, not quickly but at an enjoyable pace to de stress. I had to cross the road a couple of times to avoid people but everyone seems to be the same respecting everyone’s space. It was lovely running in the sun it definitely made me feel mentally better.

My husband was still sleeping when I got back so I checked the news to see how bad things are then sat in the conservatory and watched a film, Lady and the Tramp, the 2019 version. It’s so hot sitting in the conservatory with the sun shining down, it makes it feel like summer.
That pretty much sums up my day, the rest was filled with cooking dinner, tidying up, FaceTiming my daughter and grandson again, FaceTiming my mum again trying to sort out grocery delivery for them but we can’t get a slot they are all took, then just watching some more tv with the hubby before he went to work and I went to bed.
Posted from my blog with RunNannyRun
Nothing can stop a consistent Runner.
Resteemed by @runningproject
These are strange times for everyone. We are lucky we at least have the technology to stay in touch with family and friends even if we cannot meet up in person. My family have a daily Zoom video conference to catch up on what everyone is doing. At least we runners can still get out for a break from the house. Stay strong and stay healthy.