Steemit Ultra Marathon – Game one – round five results

in #running7 years ago (edited)

The last roll of the dice was a good one and we have a winner!


Bib: 4 @godofbit
Bib: 1 @skymaiden
Second place
Bib: 2
Third place
Bib: 7 @runningdanw
4th place
Bib: 6 @dlew
5th place
Bib: 5 @kiwiscanfly
6th place
Bib: 3 @toofasteddie
57.84kmsGels: 0
Health: health-0.png

Weird stuff happens on the trails
You get dive bombed by a magpie and run like crazy to get away.
Bib: 8 @zapasx
44.10kmsGels: 0
Health: health-0.png
You have decided to walk for a while. This reduces your fatigue and settles your stomach a bit, so you can then start running again.
Weird stuff happens on the trails
You walk for a bit to try and regain some strength. This costs you a little time but also reduces your fatigue.


Congratulations to @godofbit. You just snuck home ahead of the others. But it was incredibly close in the end.

@skymaiden and crossed the line just after @godofbit, who was looking a bit ragged towards the end. But those two promptly collapsed after crossing the line and I think it will be a while and several beers before they get back up again.

If there was one more round, neither of them would be moving.

The other three finishers were hot on their heels and it was so close it could have gone either way.

Thanks very much to everyone for playing. I hope you enjoyed the game.

If you have any suggestions for making it better, more fun then let me know.

I will transfer the SBD prize money to the first three place getters in the morning.

Proof of payment of prize money

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Running Deer - How legends are born

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Charlie tides up
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse make music

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Runaway Rabbit and the hungry fox
Maybe and the land of purple rainbows – A Little Peppers adventure
How Pappa Pepper and Monster Truck the Pepper got their wild hogs - a Little Peppers Adeventure

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First Squad Sniper Elite - Zaresith mission

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Thanks for the fun! Will there be more races?

Thanks for playing ;-)

Yes, I'm hoping to run the race again soon, if enough people want to play. You are welcome to enter again if you like.

Are you planning on developing this so you can have diffferent courses of real races?

yes ;-) I was going to start with all the courses I have personally run, which will just be fun for me, and then I can branch out to other real courses anywhere in the world.

But before I do that, I'll have to finish off the game engine for my Dad to run his own game ;-)

Thank you for the chance to play, I cant believe I was in first place all 5 rounds thats just crazy. I cant wait for the next race hope its soon. Also I would like to see a picture of each round/stage next time if thats possible, just to make us runners feel like we are there in the race alittle more.

Well done. You played a good game. but it was very close at the end ;-)

So you want photos / video of the course huh? No worries.

Possibly not for the next round, but sometime after that.

I'm planning on doing a video series on the course after my next race on the 10th March. So I'll be able to upload video and pictures so you can see where you are running.

Yeah that would be very nice to see, because I have never been there before. I wish you the best of luck on your next race I know I couldn't ran that far in real life and I read your blog about the race and im glad you finished it with a clean butt lol.

Check out Relive for 3D course visualisation:

Yes I found this a few weeks ago. It's awesome!

I can't use it for old runs though, only new ones. So when I do the race again in July I'll be able to add that to the game ;-)

Ah, yes. I forgot a GPX import wasn't possible.

Also just to make it a little better next time you could put in the details how long it took to finish the race for each runner just to sum it up better, but thats totally up to you. Thank you Trevor and im a follower for life thanks bud

The time values are actually not really indicative of much because of the way they are used in the calculations.

For example - you spent 9.5 hours on the course and @kiwiscanfly spent 9 hours. But you beat him.

So the hour values are not what is important in the overall game. They are just used to calculate the distance covered for each turn.

I thought about putting the raw scores up for health etc, but I though that would be too much technical stuff and it would take away from the fun aspect of playing the game.

O ok I see now. Im thinking about doing a short blog tomorrow about the race is it cool if I use your name and some pictures of the stats and the little map? I dont want to just write about it with out a few pictures to show.

Wow!!!! My best race ever! I passed from the 2nd to the last but one position due to a magpie? WTF! :-)
Really Impressive!!!
Congratulations for the winners!!!!

Oh crap! I buggered that up. Sorry. I missed your second running value.

I've run it again and you end up finishing just after @kiwiscanfly - Literally one step behind!

The big difference is you finished with really good health scores, while everyone else was totally trashed.

They ran harder on the last turn which is why they beat you. If there was one more round you would definitely win because none of them would be able to move!


I think I'll make some changes to how this works so that this doesn't happen again. The interface was not really designed for multiple entries of time, so it can get confusing really quickly when some people have multiple entries and others don't.....

Don't worry... You did a Good work :-)

Thanks. I really appreciate that.

The real purpose isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.
Unknown Runner

Resteemed by @runningproject

Well done to the OLD girl in comming second, will bet her next time.
A good game, count me in next time.

I missed it mate, sorry...time differences and all that ! will be watching more carefully next time. Well done. Im sure the number of entrants will build upquickly with regular races.

Thanks for that. No worries. it was an interesting game ;-)

I've made some tweaks to it and I think I'll change the rules just slightly to make things a bit more foolproof, and then run it again.

But everyone seemed to enjoy it ;-)

Give me a couple of days and then keep an eye out for the signup post :-)

will do , thanks :-)

I wanna play!

Cool. Keep an eye out later on today for the signup post.