I own a pair of luna sandals, bought them back in 2017 and try to do short runs and strides in them in the summer. Unfortunately the sandal season is not that long where I live. I have been looking at vibram fivefingers as an alternative but I have not tried them. Focusing on barefeet indoors and doing foot strenghening exercises.
When I first made the transition to minimalist shoes 12+ years ago I started with Vibram Five Fingers and just walked in them for an hour or two each morning until my feet hurt then switched to my "normal" shoes. I increased my foot strength just by doing it this way. I only switched to an enclosed toe box style of shoe after almost breaking a toe on a trail run. (Nothing wrong with the shoes, I was too fatigued to be running a race that long and that hard and didn't pick up my feet enough; I kept hitting roots and rocks with my toes!). I would happily buy a pair again now but I don't always want to have a conversation about minimalist running when I go out. Sometimes I just want to run.
I also bought a pair of Luna Sandals in the first year or two of the barefoot journey. I can't remember why I ditched them. I'd probably happily buy a pair of them again if they came up in my Feed.