So it turned cold last week, so cold it snowed, which is extremely rare for November in the southern half of the UK!
And along with the challenges of cold running I only managed two runs last week on account of recovering from an irritating little cold which ended up lasting around two whole weeks!
Tuesday 19th November... A slow run in the snow!!!
So I intended to go our for an early morning run, but when I opened the curtains it was actually, literally snowing, which is VERY unusual in November in the southern half of the UK.
I ummed and awed, settled on the fact that the snow wasn't really settling, it wasn't that hard, and headed out.
One has to be mindful of slipping risks...
I'm not sure why my map didn't register, possibly because of the dense cloud cover, that might also explain why my pace is so off, or that maybe because I had to slow down for some icy spots and was still recovering from the illness I had last week.
I was happy enough with a pootle, and I had to take a selfie...
Thursday 21st November.... A slightly faster cold run!
This was the same route I did the Tuesday two days earlier...
This was a tad faster and actually OK - but check out that temperature, minus one!
It was still a bit icy in patches too, but I'm happy enough with that pace, still not quite recovered from the illness!
Final thoughts and next weeks plans...
Sometimes it's a matter of just getting them in and keeping things ticking over. Next week I hope to do a few more runs, and at least one longer one!
I've also been contemplating joining a gym for a bit of evening fun working out too, see how I feel about that going forwards, maybe in January now....?!?
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The snow didn't last long enough for me to run in it. Have to be careful anyway. I've done my share of snow.
Oh I'd much rather run without it, for sure!
The same here. Thankfully, it will get some warm incoming days, thus I will be able to have stroll at least. Cold weather limits my activity.