Doubting on which bot to chose to delegate your SP and earn passive profits? Consider @isotonic

@isotonic has been created as a tool to reinforce the @runningproject initiative and so, it is the @runningproject account who will be benefited from the earnings of the bot after having payed the delegators.
Essentially, the SBD or STEEM transfered by @isotonic to @runningproject will feed and increase @runningproject ' s SP.

Still, I did not find any other bot offering the same as @isotonic does, which, at the same time is promoting minnows and so, it is dedicating a big part of its earnings to reinforce another good cause or initiative as @runningproject .

So, let me tell that seems that @isotonic is the first Bid-based Voting Bot created, in part, to help or fund another Steemit Community!

  • The current @isotonic STEEM POWER is 5822 SP
  • The current Vote Power of @isotonic is 1.15$
  • 90% of the Bot profits is going to the delegators, the rest, 10% is going to @runningproject initiative.

link.Learn more about @runningproject initiative follwoing this

Do you need help with SP delegation process? Follow the instructions I wrote here: Easy way to delegate SP using SteemWorld.

Breathe, Run, Dream, Live...

Keep on running!!!

@toofasteddie, proud member and author/promoter of the @runningproject initiative

If you want to receive "passive" incomes by delegating some of your STEEM POWER while funding a good initiative/project at steemit, please, consider delegating to @isotonic , one of the best options in steemit.


Can anyone submit a post for an upvote (not just approved runningproject runners)?
Edited: it seems "yes" now that I've looked at your wallet. I've only just understood how it works - a virtuous circle, everyone's a winner!Can you send the url of any post to @isotonic for an upvote (not just running posts)?

I'm here to explore circular models. If you like this app @shanibeer I'd like to help them too, with steem or anything else you advise. Help me to help please? :)

I've been very slow to understand this, but I think it works like this:

  • This postthe @runningproject is a community which supports runners in many ways including providing an automatic upvote on every post that a member of @runningproject makes. explains more about #runningproject and how to become a member.

  • and@isotonic is a bid-bot. It's voting power comes from Steemians delegating Steem Power to @isotonic. Anyone can transfer a minimum of .05 SBD to @isotonic to buy a vote for a specific post (you put the url of the post in the memo when you transfer the SBD); @isotonic has a regular stream of SBD coming in from people buying votes; 90% of this is used to pay a dividend or Return On Investment to the Steemians who have delegated SP; the remaining 10% is transferred to @runningproject to build its voting power. So everyone wins. For you, for example - you may not be a runner, so you have no interest in the @runningproject community; and you may not have very much SP to delegate, but you could still support the community initiative by buying a vote from @isotonic. You win because you get a vote which is worth more than you paid, so your overall wealth is increased; your small payment provides a return to the investors who have delegated steem power helps to raise funds for and grow @runningproject. It's very, very clever!

Quite apart from votes, I've had tremendous value from @runningproject because I joined the 12 week 5k training programme. This had two levels: beginners (me) and intermediate/returners with a weekly programme written and supported by @cstrimel - a fabulous coach. This was free (apart from the enrolment fee = 1SBD), I had feedback and could ask for advice, and I've had lots of support from other @runningproject members. It's a model that could be used for many other community initiatives. Have a look in @isotonic's wallet; and enter "isotonic" at to get a better understanding about how it works.

and you get a warm fuzzy feeling because you're also supporting a community initiative.This particular post is about attracting more Steemians who might want to delegate SP to @isotonic (even though they may have no interest in running) - there's a return for delegating

Does that make sense? Hope so 😎

The majority of the other bots, don't do that, they use the earnings to pay delegators and the owner of the bot.
Here the owner of the bot is not receiving any income but the one resulting of his own delegation.
Hope is clear.Of course @shanibeer ! Anyone can use the service! The onlything different from other bid-based bots is that part of the earnings of the bot, exactly 10% , is going to @runningproject in order to increase its SP! That's why @runningproject has more and more SP with the time. We are just trying to inform the people about this option. If people think they can delegate some SP to a bid-based bot and so, earn passive incomes they should know that there is a bot that dedicate part of the earnings for funding a good initiative as ours.

I sent a bid earlier today and didn't get an upvote:

14 hours ago Transfer 0.050 SBD to isotonic

Can you refund please?

Sorry for the inconvenience. Refund is done.

Thanks for the refund.

@isotonic dear concern I sent you 0.05 SBD today with this memo "" but did not receive any upvote! Can you please tell me what is the reason?

I sent 0.1 sbd but I was not included in that bid, and i did not got the upvote. Kindly refund me

@isotonic is not working for me either, I sent $0.1 as a test and have received no up-vote.

Cam I request a refund please?

here my transaction details . have a look.
can i request for refund please@isotonic@isotonic i just sent you 0.056 SBD to your bid .but so far no money add in my post . 13 hours ago 0.056 SBD sent to @isotonic

@isotonic thank you so much for your refund. In very fast i am think that there is no chance to get back the money .but you made me wrong. . 0.056 may be nothing for you but a small account like me its a big amount .you are such a kind and honest .good luck @isotonic good will help you for your better success .ones again thank you very much