Yo Brother! I’m trying to get my thoughts in one place so that I can show you how best to tap into this over Two Hundred and Fifty MILLION DOLLAR Open Source Protocol = )
It’s obvious what you put in, is what you get out!
Just look at my “casual interaction” compared to our friend’s who took this absolutely serious day ONE, five years ago! (and then again ONE year ago with the fork to $HIVE...)
Interaction is what the community needs from you!
For the world to have immutable access to your ideas, notes, documentation and mind set would be a HUGE GIFT !!!
I really can’t stress that enough. Go create an account and start getting your ideas on the block. Others will join in. Collaboration occurs and we ALL have a better tomorrow : )
Post content that helps the community!
AND KEEP POSTING!!! The witnesses will keep the network running. I know you’ll want to look at the gears on that as well... There are many great sites to look at this data! One that I like is HERE.
So now, I’ve gotta ask you in my best Stu voice...
Are you IN or OUT?
I read his POST. Let's see if we can get him to break into the top 100 : )

There will be edits... Welcome @dapoobah Bored