The one thing I wish people understood about Russians

in #russia9 months ago


Gonna be a short quick post (I need more Hive coins to upload the big one,scheduled for the end of this month).

I used to love talking about politics because I needed as many reasons to hate people as I could possibly get. With the recent changes in my mindset I have taken a new side - just passively ignoring all politics whatsoever. However, often times I get the "You have been blocked" error page when browsing websites or some people refusing to help me or talk to me for living in Russia. I have to say that I used to believe normal people were above that, that normal people were, well, normal. I was wrong. Oh, boy, I was so wrong! 🤣

Here's what it's like in Russia. All the rebellions have been calmed down through force because you don't go rebel when you have twice the amount of armored police force than people. Russians are just waiting for the war to be over, many (like me) even pay money to lawyers and such to avoid getting drafter to army (because those guys lie, and will bring you to the war zone even if they promise otherwise, like how it happened to my friend). The White-Blue-White people, who I named after their rebellion's flag, have completely been put down. Among these people you can even find ones of LGBT community and those who support the Ukraine, at least mentally. It's very hard to support the country you're invading after all. But those people still exist because they were too poor or had other reasons to stay in Russia when the war began.

The White-Blue-Reds on the other hand, are living happily and full of pride of themselves. I'm gonna say it now, I may hate these people but I also don't support the Ukraine. By supporting any side in a war you're only prologing it, and shut up about your ethics - they do not exist. WBRs' logic is very hard to understand for me. They say "We fight for the truth", which is what TVs tell them. I'm yet to find what kind of truth they're fighting for, given that this truth came from a governmental channels which have been guilty of propaganda for a while now. They say "[Russians soldiers] are protecting you!" - well, sorry, but I kinda didn't need their protection until they started the war! They say "We are nation, so we shall support each other!" - which basically means they're all the brainless Biomass ready to follow everyone around them without thinking one bit. Also, yes, this is the reason why WBRs support Russian government. It's because "Putin is strong!". And I'm not kidding. Believe me, I've been losing my mind here from all this realizations.

I do have to say that there's nothing nobile in protecting Ukraine for the simple reason that even they are drown in propaganda, potentially nazi movements and so on. Russian invasion was caused by mere greed.

My main issue is that I am treated as a WBR, while I'm a WBW, I get to endure all these limitations and occasional disrespect just because I live on a hill surrendered by iron fence with a three colored paint. This entire war is simply stupid, as humanity should have realized long ago that there's only one nation exists. The resources on the planet are limited and instead of wasting stell for tanks, we should have used it for more solar panels (although they're not healthy for the planet at all). But humans love to violence.

The lesson I got from this is that all these history lessons at school meant nothing. We write history to remember past experiences and not repeat the old mistakes. But if the people in power, who have the power to shut you up with guns, don't read that history, then why should you? Point is, now because of all those people who can't affect anything in reality but just support the decisions made for them I get to suffer from not having mental help and everyday reminders that the world hates me for having the audacity to dare to live on this specific hill. Stop supporting the war if you want it over. Once all those news channels see how no one watches them, their advertisement sponsors will give up on them and the governments will go back to blaming videogames for all the crime.

As it stands, I don't care for politics, I care for my wellbeing. Please understand. Love you all, guys.