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RE: A Glorious Day for All Mankind!!

in #russia9 months ago

How many casualties are there in Ukraine?

Ukraine has been very secretive about these numbers, but in a typical modern war the defender's casualties are about a third of the losses of the attacker. A little higher in this case, since the slaves in Russia have their more powerful neighbors like North Korea and Iran (and of course, their Chinese masters) supporting them. The figures I'm reading come in just under 200,000.
Of course, that only covers Ukraine's military losses. Jeffrey Epstein's most @valued-customer likes to deny it, but it is well documented that Russia has been targeting civilians for most of the war, and some estimates say they've lost more than a million civilians already.

I think the war in Ukraine will end after the fall of the Putin regime!

This is already assured. The only question now is "at what cost?" NATO has the means to crush helpless little Russistan like an egg. But sadly, I don't think NATO is going to get involved until after Ukraine is depleted of its ability to fight.


My amigo, Rob!Dear @patriamreminisci !

I speculate that the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine will be 1 million.

I thought Russia could use nuclear weapons against NATO.
Many East Asians speculate that China will invade Taiwan in three years.

Do you think Russia and China could go to war with the United States?

Many East Asians speculate that China will invade Taiwan in three years.
Do you think Russia and China could go to war with the United States?

I think the whole reason the Chinese ordered their Russians slaves to attack Ukraine is because the Chinese wanted to know the answers to these questions too. China is using their puppet, Russia, to study the West's response to aggression. I do not think the West has been resolute enough to deter China from invading Taiwan, but I think they have been strong enough to make China realize "we need to distract the West first."

They used their Russian puppets to attack Ukraine. Then they used their Iranian puppets to attack Israel. Next they'll use their Pakistani puppets to attack India, and at last, they'll use their North Korean puppets to attack South Korea. Then, with the West's attention divided, THEN they'll try to attack Taiwan.

I don't think they'll succeed, but the war in Ukraine has shown us, "the invader doesn't have to win to fuck up a country."

Dear Rob!

@valued-customer argued that both Russia and China are puppets of globalists. So, @valued-customer argued that Russia and China will not start World War III.

He said that both Putin and Xi Jinping are servants of international capital.

@valued-customer argued that both Russia and China are puppets of globalists.

That cum-drooling sonofabitch couldn't even tell you who or what a "globalist" was if the sad, pathetic, empty little pseudo-existence he euphemistically calls a "life" depended on it. There is no such thing as a globalist. There never has been. It's a delusion dredged up by sad, pathetic little basement-dwellers who feel like their failure to achieve anything will be more tolerable if they can blame it on some phantom "conspiracy" that supposedly controls all nations.

The idea that nations who can't even agree on what did or did not happen five years ago are all working in tandem under some sort of unseen master puppeteers with a centuries-long agenda, is batshit. If such a cabal existed, how would anyone know about them? Surely they'd have the power to kill anyone who spilled their so-called secrets, as he himself claims to do in every half-assed blog-post he vomits forth onto the screen.

No, my friend. Russia is a puppet of China, and China is a slave to their own national ego. They intend to start World War 3 and the only thing keeping them at bay is their fear of the same Western Alliance who @valued-customer thinks is the tool of globalists. @valued-customer, meanwhile, is a puppet of China. His own blog entries show his esteem for Xi Jinping, and for Xi's slave races, the Russians and the Iranians. He slavishly echoes Chinese propaganda in every half-cocked post and claims any first-hand experience that refutes it comes from "paid actors." I'd spit in his face, but it looks and smells so much like his ass that I'm not sure I could tell the two apart.

😱 Dear Rob!
Your arguments are shocking!

Do you believe the claim that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency carried out Kennedy's assassination?

Looking at you, I remembered that the United States was a federal system created by many countries coming together.

I felt like Texas, Wyoming, and Oregon were all different countries!

Is the war between Americans still continuing?