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RE: CryptoBrewMaster deleted all the Russian Passports in game!

in #russia3 years ago

Lol, who are you btw? Am thrilled you guys are aware of all background, would not be surprised of a Biden-Putin behind curtain deal that bring both a lot money,only guys suffering aee Euros especially us in Germany because our stupid government does all the new shit president of the US wants


I think it’s pretty clear that Biden and Putin don’t get along and that there’s going to be no backroom deal since the US moved to DEFCON 3 and Putin gave orders to move his nuclear arsenal to high alert.

Germany kept the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler as chancellor for 18 years and because of that nobody but germans cares what Germans have to say.

Talk about actual Nazis…lol

Lol I see an expert is judging politics

I learn from history. You apparently do not.

Btw, how did your holocaust go? @stayoutoftherz i found your neonazi

I won´t discuss here politics, I don´t like communists, I don´t like Neonazis, I am out.

Likewise, and I knew before the comment i will feed a troll, calling me a nazi is a good one, rolling on this floor and can not stop laughing

That’s probably the mental illness. I wonder if being racist and retarded is a uniquely German trait. From the experience I’ve had with the large number of people of German descent in the US I would say it’s possibly hereditary and maybe that’s the problem. Genetic recidivism yo

"move his nuclear arsenal to high alert" - typical example for the desinformation you have been victim of. This was a translation error from the translator who was then happily spread over the news. Do you think the media who lied 2 years on Covid bring now neutral news? Just a rhetoric question, I don´t care if you answer.

You only used half of the word “rhetorical” which is reminiscent of your army’s attack on Ukraine. Always forgetting something like gas and bullets 😂

ich glaub der mag eben gerne alle mit deutschem oder ösi hintergrund an die wand nageln verbal wegen unserer Schuld - ignoriere den affenzipfelklatscher - find es schon cool, dass ausgerechnet ich nazi sein soll, der hier viele aus der eckefrüher durchgeflagged hab, mal schaun was der lurch jetzt wieder rausliest......

Hast recht, solchen Typen am besten gar nicht antworten. Don´t feed the trolls.

You never answered me...which countries simultaneously tried to genocide the Jews?