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RE: Wanting to believe

in #russianukrainianwarlast year (edited)

People are fed up with paying commissions or tributes or tips or tokens to those that blur their views or spit into their eyes claiming its raining. The elites have gained so much experience on making profits on viruses, not only made on Windows by Gates lol, but also those produced in laboratories in Wuhan, ordered by America and having American patents, eg polio or other diseases, including covid 19 virus. This sound completely unbelievable that governments produce viruses and mix of genes under mRNA flag that later, mixed with graphine oxide and other el-mag substances and heavy metals mass inject into humans. This not only creates cancers or other incorrect gene mutations but, I write it being a lawyer, is compketely unhumane and morally/ ethically illegal and against unwritten universal human rights , right to decide about your own body, your life, your right to speak up or protest. The most basic right to live is violated and your reports omit to mention it. We have plenty to look forward to in the future, without need being changed into bots or machines to make the visions of those that plan ' future after human kind' as early as timelines of Agenda 2030 promoted in Davos with their fake care of environmental issues while promoting technologies that poison nature, including completely useless facemasks or toxic vaccines with changed expiry dates so that there is a way to earn on supply of those to people that become victims of psyops or their own leaders efforts to meet certain standards or requirements set by international pacts or organisations that do not openly tell they aim to reduce world population by half in fairly quick time of a few years because if you are not into 4th technical revolution and technocracy of tomorrow - you dont have a right to occupy space in 3d reality. You are gonna own nothing and you are gonna be happy, according to Mr Schwab that is representing his best interest of being confused by sex-transfers of identity with complete misunderstanding of humanitarianism but with 'I hack ur childs brain' doctrine of Dr Yuval Noah Harari in Israel that still has guts to promote his hatred of human kind in his pseudo-intellectual spasms on homo-deus - homo god, similarly to Nietzsche and his über human theories before, that divided people in the previous century. This is madness, not only : 'clinical case' you should focus on, Zirochka. You may enjoy your crypto transfers instead, show off your new haicut. Nothing wrong in enjoying life. This is the way everyone has right experience or be able experience, not only those that follow the scheme of representing those that can afford paying them.
I am the voice of those who were quiet to the very end, those who thought being obedient gonna give them freedom. Some of them can scream through me, straight in your face: Wake up! Stop playing their games. If the top of pyramid , the richest ones is 1% of society, holds 99% od financial power in the world - why do they need you? Are you still ready promote their wars knowing you are one of 99% that do not deserve to live or move on in the next stage of their game? Either you are simp, thinking people are happy from shit they have been fed with after being on cancerous vegan diets or toxic wastes served in products that distroy their livers, hearts or other organs because some 'daddy's little monster' being' the biggest owner of land in USA' decided to involve whole labs in producing toxic meats and other garbage they spray on crops to create shit that messes up with natural organisms and causes diseases - produced by Monsanto company that heavily involved into promoting eco-vegan lifestyle of not hurting animals while Musk is responsible for chips into brains technology, making clones and using dna from women and men that did not even know they were lab rats while having this or that treatment or using this or that surrogate or ivf services, all heavily monitored and under constant surveillance thanks to Starlink sattelites network and Spacex explorations while playin hero with X algorithms that show his is longer than Zucko's FBIbook project of collecting ur data thanks to cameras in all ur devices staring at you right now. Smile!
Flat Earth theory? U dont believe in that bs either, I hope. All planets fairly round and our Earth flat like crépe lol. Anyway.

You are not my enemies. If I did not care, I would not raise my voice now or alarming others.
Aneczka can talk for herself. You sound medical case urself with codes u post in ur weird replies @hallmann. Learn to handle open criticism. At least Im not backstabbing you in darkness. I openly say what I think about ur pretenses and making dramas to score on war conflicts. This has not been something new over millenias. Whether you Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, American or Australian or Russian or Chinese- I have a right to share my thoughts or opinions on any topic, making people aware of certain things that taking place on global scale. Im not going to ask about your or Zirochka's approval to comment on posts that affect my reality. I have plenty of guts and am brave to say straight into ur face what I think about war propaganda or any type war conflicts propaganda. I dont really care if you call me mental case. War is making mental cases and anyone can be mental case if pressed enough or tortured. Not knowing what you experienced or gonna experience in future, I am wishing you understanding without trauma that some experience going through health system you may have avoided so far scoring badges or tokens in ur war efforts correspondent projects, not even trying to mention Hunter Biden with his laptop case and drugs or prostitutes or his dad's involvement into Ukrainian companies with smart contracts just waitin to rebuild Ukraine from scratch. Im not favoring Putin either, do not be misled. I see his agression on sovereign country of Ukraine act that should not ever taken place. His support for Trump and BRICK countries-as new strong Eastern influence against freedoms and rights of people. Because u do not get me, it may say more about ur level of awareness than about mine. Glad you can live your daily happy lives, go on with what you enjoy instead of reporting bs that average Tom, Dick and Harry are served daily on their tv screens or phones. Glad you are not poor, that you doing well. You dont have to apologise for living fairly normal lives or making money. It is not my role if Ziroczka has garbage or trash in her head or somewhere else. But it is my role to speak up for those who do not have internet or cannot say loud or clearly : GET LOST with propagating conflicts or other war efforts or threatening those that have different opinions on military involvement in your or other regions. I am not going to be quiet so that you can play your patriotic tunes of next generations ready to sacrifice for my country or your. Young or old people have enough of war martyrology or dying in someone elses games of races or technological equipment shows. Mass media serving fake news with fake actors that play heroes, on horses, in samurai or geisha costumes or using insignia of power while secretely gettn ready to repeat ww3 shit of @ackza cyber-futuristic vision that predicts nuking 50-100 mln people in major cities of the world would be a good idea to start from anew, is less than compelling but this totalitarnian pro-facist way of thinkinh is apparently supported in Ukrainian pro-nazi movements that, using other countries, are more linked with Germans with World Economic Vision of Klaus Schwab and his Leaders of Tomorrow placed in all major organisations, not only financial but mainly political or religious as heads of governments or chairs of boards etc. Average person was living in fear mongering fake news, brainwashed daily, not understanding often governments, democratically elected or not, act against their own citizens, in the name of financial benefits or other income projects that put their own countries in monetary debts and directly influenced by international gangs or groups of support that think they are above laws or that having connections or iffy know-how dodgy ways of 'fixing problems' with help from hitmen or thereoff types of crooks, or doctors that are happy to experiment on you if you really proof you are not healthy if you dont get vaccinated with the newest mass produced vaccine that, as coordinated side effect, can cause sudden death syndrome and affect your brain functions or make you suicidal or violent against others, administered either through shot you may receive at local clinic or any location that you may see convenient to prove you are normal following orders - just like nazi were following orders of their moustached leader that was a puppet himself, made directly responsible for actions of millions of those, blinded by his yelled war propaganda. This is my summary of how I see whats taking place in HIVE and other platforms. I agree. Propaganda is worse than ever, messing up with values systems of all generations. You and @hallmann can call me medical case. I could call you both blinded by monetary gains. This surely is normal, right? Hopefully you both wake up to reality and it wont be to painful physically or emotionally, or on your crypto wallets. BTW. Thanks for writing about me @zirochka. When we talk face to face once, we may understand each other better than now. I might accept ur invitation to travel to Ukraine, after the war. Many people are looking forward to it. Im sure. From many directions. Nothing personal when we discuss it publicly, like two sisters from different misters.


I am the voice of those who were quiet to the very end, those who thought being obedient gonna give them freedom.

No, Zirochka is. You're the voice of the Russian invaders who are killing those whom you described. You slavishly repeat their propaganda, villify those who raise funds to oppose them, and routinely pressure Ukraine to "negotiate."
What kind of "negotiating" do you expect?

Russia: "Our goal is to destroy your culture, kill half your people and enslave the rest."
Ukraine: "No."
Russia: "Okay, we meet in middle and I give you good deal. I destroy half your culture, kill a fourth of your people, enslave half the rest."
Ukraine: "No."
You: "Come on Ukraine, why are you so unwilling to compromise?"