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RE: Wanting to believe

Dear @zirochka , I'd like to hug you in real to make you feel how I'm close to you and to the other people in the same situation and I know I'm not the only one. I really think the most part of people perfectly knows how many fakes, lies and manipulations there are on the net about this war (and about everything, I know) and sometimes someone doesn't use his/her brain in front of the lies. When I think about people who say Putin is not so bad (and my blood is boiling when I listen this kind of thing, believe me), I think there are also people who think the Earth is flat and we can't do anything to make them understand that Earth is not flat. They are just few (even if their words could hurt us, I know), but the most part of people perfectly know where the true is, it's not so difficult to find the right information between many fakes. ;)


They are just few (even if their words could hurt us, I know)

Statistics say that on the one hand, in every society there are 5-8% of incurable idiots. On the other hand, only 10-15% of people tend to analyze what they read. Therefore, I am always infinitely pleased with your position, and your words are like a small win to me. I hope that I will have a chance one day to hug you in real life 🤗 Thank you, dear Silvia @silviabeneforti