Russia's Pedophiles are Getting Killed by the Ukrainian Army So Quickly That Russia Needs More!
Some months back, I posted an article(1) about that hilariously cringeworthy "Time To Move To Russia" video that so many Russian embassies were spamming all over social media.(2) In it, I remarked on how creepy it was that the video's emphasis on Russia's (supposedly) "beautiful women," coincides with a clip of two little girls who have a decade or more before they could remotely be called "women."
Of course, this creepy Russian tendency to fetishize small children wasn't exactly new. Russia itself had been bragging, rather openly, about the acts of pedophilia committed by their troops since the beginning of the invasion. The most obvious example that comes to mind is when an 8-year-old boy who was raped in front of his mother, got this image sent back to him with the caption, "sorry if I fucked you" by one of ruZZistan's barbaric population using the Russian words for "Sweet honey 1917" with a Russian flag as her screen name.(3)
image source: (~~~ embed:1520745329959882752?t=wmiGHAtTRODdwnr4Qf2zlQ&s=09) twitter metadata:c29mdGllX2RyYXdzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3NvZnRpZV9kcmF3cy9zdGF0dXMvMTUyMDc0NTMyOTk1OTg4Mjc1Mnw= ~~~
In short, we've known for some time that the ruZZian Army consisted almost entirely of pedophiles (they openly brag about it). But now, apparently, ruZZistan has decided their own supply of pedophiles (447,510 of whom have been sent by the AFU to their well-deserved place in Hell)(4) has been reduced enough that they have to recruit more from outside.
Did Someone Say "Creeps and Pedophiles Needed?"
Enter, Wilmer Puello-Mota, a former member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard (the state-controlled, rather than federally-controlled, contingent of the United States Air Force), and also a former member of the Holyoke, Massachusetts City Council. Puello-Mota was thrown out of the US military for an impressive litany of crimes: obstruction of the judicial system, forgery, counterfeiting and of course, possession of child pornography.
According to investigators, Puello-Mota met a 17-year-old girl online in 2020 and began sending her money via venmo in return for nude pics.(5) Later in 2020, Puello-Mota arranged to meet the underage girl (by his own statement) at a hotel in Warwick, Rhode Island. The particulars of this meeting are not forthcoming, but Puello-Mota later called the police (now brace yourself for this) to report that the underage girl he'd gone to this hotel out of state to meet with after months of paying her for nude selfies, allegedly allowed men into his room to steal his gun.(6) When he called the police, part of the evidence he provided was the messages on his phone wherein he and the girl arranged to meet.
...You're a military veteran, meeting a 17-year-old girl in a hotel a state away, without anyone else knowing about it, and you need a gun for this meeting? This already smacks of attempted Human trafficking. And then, when you think that the underage girl you've hooked up with (after paying her to send you nude selfies on your phone for months) has helped steal this gun from you, you're going to call the cops and show them the aforementioned phone, with the aforementioned conversations, as proof.
Not very bright, was he? And of course, the cops found the incriminating photos on his phone. Predictably enough, Puello-Mota insisted he thought the girl was 22, though the girl insisted Puello-Mota knew she was 17. The message "how old are you, babe?" to which she replied, "17 last week," seems rather conclusive to me, but what does an ex-detective know, hm?
It didn't stop there though. In an effort to sway the court in his favor, Puello-Mota later impersonated an officer (a Major, specifically) in the Massachusetts Air NG in a phone call, stating that Puello-Mota was up for deployment if he was acquitted.(6)
Interestingly enough, he was allowed to continue serving on the Holyoke City Council despite these charges(7) until later when he added another charge (bail violation) by attending a Halloween Party full of minors.(8),(5) I leave the reader to guess what a 27-year-old former NCO in the Air Force with a proven fetish for 17-year-olds, was doing at a Halloween Party full of teenagers in cosplay.
Anyway, nearly a year and a half onward, Puello-Mota was still walking free, and was scheduled to appear for a disposition hearing on Friday, 5 January, 2024. He filed for an extension until Tuesday, 9 January.(9) This extension was granted, and Puello-Mota must have known the evidence against him was pretty damning because on Sunday, 7 January, he jumped the country (another bail violation, but in light of his later crimes that will probably become moot) on a flight to Istanbul, Turkey.(8) At that point he vanished off the US Justice Department's radar, and a warrant was issued for his arrest on yet another charge: being a fugitive from the law. This meant that instead of only being wanted by Rhode Island and Massachusetts authorities, Puello-Mota was now being sought by the US Marshals.(10)
So, after paying a minor for nude selfies, arranging to meet said minor for a more intimate rendezvous (including an abduction at gunpoint), impersonating an officer to try and escape justice for this, being drummed out of the military and then jumping the country, where does a fugitive pedophile, seemingly failed Human trafficker, and disgraced former airman who was dumb enough to call the cops to report his underage hooker for theft go?
Russia, Of Course!
Apparently, with the help of an unnamed "Serbian friend," Puello-Mota went to Khanty-Mansisk, Ugra, Russia, to a "Patriots Center," which is their euphemism for foreign enlistment offices,(11), where he not only joined the Russian Army, but became an immediate celebrity in their propaganda studios.(12) Now, the fact that he enlisted in Russia itself is telling. A US citizen can't enter Russia without a visa, and because the Russian Government lists the US as an "unfriendly country," (13) an honor they ascribe to every nation that had the balls to sanction them for their genocide in Ukraine, the visa-process is not quick or easy. It requires months, and Puello-Mota not only went to Russia but had time to pick which of Russia's federal bodies offered the best incentives for enlistment.
His decision to conclude a contract in Ugra was convinced by his comrades - a Serbian friend, also a volunteer, and the guys from Pyt-Yakh, arguing that the region offers almost the best conditions in Russia - payment of 745,000 rubles immediately and 150,000 every two months, full equipment at the selection point and supply with everything necessary already in the service.
-Elena Panova, RGRU
Good to know they're going to provide him a weapon ahead of time. Just make sure he doesn't get it stolen from him by the next underage girl he tries to get nude selfies from.
Anyway, the fact that he made his way that deep into Russia, with a visa, with so much media fanfare prepared in advance, and with enough lead time to pick which part of the country offered the best military contracts, proves that Puello-Mota's decision to defect to Russia was premeditated and arranged far in advance. It's also interesting to hear this admission straight from Russian sources that it is a rarity for a Russian enlistee to actually get all their equipment, but I digress on both counts.
Of course, there will be Russophiles who say "how do you know this 'Wil' is really Puello-Mota?" Well, never mind the video of him walking into the Russian recruitment office in a highly televised moment clearly arranged in advance.(14) Never mind his own (newly-minted) Facebook page that openly identifies who he is and who he works for, with a profile photo of him in a Russian uniform dating back to February 19.(15) And of course, Telegram videos and Russian mil-bloggers claim Puello-Mota has already taken part in combat in Avdiivka, which would make him guilty of treason in the US, as well as war crimes in Ukraine, if it is true and not just ruZZistani hype.
The kicker is that Russia's Ministry of defense knows exactly who Puello-Mota is, and what crimes he has committed.(16) And knowing he's a pedophile and a fraud, he's the face Russia has chosen as their new propaganda darling now that Donbass Devushka has been unmasked as just another failed US Sailor drummed out of the Navy after a DUI.(17) Puello-Mota, the child-rapist, impersonator of officers and fugitive, is what Russia holds up as an ideal, a role-model. "Support us," Russia says, "because since this guy does, we all should."
mind-numbing repetition of their propaganda is suddenly made clear. As long as ruZZistan exists, these creatures can take heart and know that there is a place where sexual deviants and failed predators such as they themselves can be accepted, and even rise to celebrity status. So stand tall, guys! Show your courage and join! To help fight the Nazis that don't exist, your beloved ruZZistan needs help from pedophiles who do! What are you waiting for? Their enlistment offices are open!
It seems that the rationale behind @valued-customer and @vp-freelance's continued slavish support of ruZZistan and
Works Cited
(1) Patriamreminisci. "Russia Wants to Nuke Your Country, But Also Wants You to Move to Russia. Here's Why." Peakd. 26 Sep, 2023. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(2)Twitter. Tweeted 12:20 AM, 29 July, 2022. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
[~~~ embed:1552886838926479360] twitter metadata:RW1iYWphZGFSdXNhRVN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRW1iYWphZGFSdXNhRVMvc3RhdHVzLzE1NTI4ODY4Mzg5MjY0NzkzNjBdfA== ~~~ Rusia en Espana (@EmbajadaRusaES). "Time to move to Russia 🤍💙❤️."
(3)Twitter. Tweeted 1 May, 2022. Accessed 7 April, 2024.[~~~ embed:1520745329959882752?t=wmiGHAtTRODdwnr4Qf2zlQ&s=09] twitter metadata:c29mdGllX2RyYXdzfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3NvZnRpZV9kcmF3cy9zdGF0dXMvMTUyMDc0NTMyOTk1OTg4Mjc1Mnw= ~~~ Softie Homes [@Softie_Draws]. "... This is a reply to a drawing of a boy who was raped in front of his mother and temporarily lost the ability to speak. A russian bastard sent this picture with a "sorry if I fucked you" written on it. And you still say #notallrussians Some day these rapists will come home."
(4) Hlushchenko, Olha. "Russia loses 820 more soldiers and 17 tanks." Ukrainska Pravda. 7 April 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(5) Kinney, Jim. "Holyoke City Councilor Wilmer Puello-Mota rejects plea offer in Rhode Island child porn case." Mass Live. Advance Local Media LLC. `2 June, 2023. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(6) Pantalone, John. "Arrest warrant issued for former Holyoke city councilor, Wilmer Puello-Mota." Mass Live. Advance Local Media LLC. 11 January, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(7) Western Mass News. "Wilmer Puello-Mota was removed from the #Holyoke City Council after being charged with child pornography, but a judge reversed that decision and he will return to the council this week. We're getting reaction from city leaders starting at 4 p.m. on ABC40 >>" 3 October, 2022. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(8) Chaisson, Joe; Wellman, Andre & Hickey, Olivia. "Holyoke City Councilor Wilmer Puello-Mota violates bail." Mass Live. Advance Local Media LLC. 10 November, 2022. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(9) Kinney, Jim. "Where in the world is Wilmer Puello-Mota? Rhode Island prosecutors want to know." Mass Live. Advance Local Media LLC. 28 February, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(10) Rousseau, Morgan. "Arrest warrant issued for former Holyoke city councilor, Wilmer Puello-Mota." Boston Globe. 14 January, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(11) Panova, Elena. "В Югре американец заключил контракт на службу в российских войсках (In Ugra, an American signed a contract to serve in the Russian troops)." RGRU. 4 April, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(12) Quinn, Allison. "s Russia’s New U.S. Propaganda Star Wanted on Child Porn Charges in Rhode Island?." The Daily Beast. 4 April, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(13) "Russian government approves list of unfriendly countries and territories." Tass. 7 March, 2022. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(14) Осташко! Важное. Telegram. 3 April, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(15) Will Puello (Profile Page). Facebook. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(16) "Бежавший из США за хранение детской порнографии политик решил воевать за Россию в Украине (A politician who fled the United States for possessing child pornography decided to fight for Russia in Ukraine)." Agentstvo. 3 April, 2024. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
(17) Franey, James. "US Navy vet-turned tropical fish seller-turned pro-Moscow propagandist faces DOJ probe over posting leaked Pentagon documents/" Daily Mail. 17 April, 2023. Accessed 7 April, 2024.
Dear @patriamreminisci !
In the world I live in, doing something like that is a US$4,000 fine or a half year in prison.
It is, but only after conviction. And in the US it takes years and an insane amount of legal maneuvering before a criminal like Puello-Mota actually goes to trial.
I remember that in the United States, possession of child pornography is punishable by 10 years in prison.
Apparently the number of years varies from state to state. Down in texas it's twenty-five. In Massachusetts, the article I cited said it's five.
Apparently in Russia, it's rewarded.
In the world I live in, possession of child pornography is punishable by a US$3,000 fine or a half year in prison.Dear @patriamreminisci !
Since you said the punishment is 25 years in prison in Texas, I guess East Asian men should be careful in Texas!😂
Thank you for advice!
Take an example from him! It's a good way to survive.
Again your post is full of lies and manipulation!
I take it the topic of pedophilia is firmly lodged in your Nazi head? The doctor's on his way!
I spit in your face (which is hard to do because it requires telling it apart from your ass) and defy you to cite one "lie" in the post. Every statement made about the pedophile you support, is from his own statements.
It's cute how the best defense for your open support of your fellow pedophiles is "calling me out on it makes you a pedophile." Is that what you told the cops the first time they arrested you for fucking your little brother?
As to your sad and sick claim that embracing your pedophile brother's decision to join ruZZistan was "a good way to survive," I've killed too many of your ruZZistani countrymen to take that seriously.
When are you going to muster up what passes for guts in a ruZZistani citizen and enlist, so I can line you up next to the man who fucked your ass every morning in the same unmarked mass grave as your beloved ass-fucker?
Quit tapdancing and pledge your faggoty little ass to the cause of the ex-KGB-agent wo leads your cult.
you haven't cited a quote where I justify anyone).
And I don't need to quote anything, your comment is proof of my words.
Your words are full of hatred towards me and aggression just because I chose a side to sympathize with.
No sane person would allow such behavior here, I think you are a danger to society.
There's an example of where you justified his crimes.
And your sad, sick, pathetic claims that calling attention to your crimes is a danger to society, are almost as cute as your attempts to beg for help because "oh no, he said words that I don't like."
You're a child-rapist and a murderer, Ivan. Embrace it. And you're God-damned right my words are filled with aggression toward anyone who chooses to stand with the ones who murdered my students.
I'm not asking anyone for help with your slander.
If you lived in Ukraine, you should know the meaning of the word "пиздоболt" (This is a man who has never been beaten for his empty words) This is the biggest association I have with you!
You are like deceived Germans - supporting Hitler's policy in the second world war. Blind and stupid to realize the obvious!
Is that your ukr student, or are you gonna lie about it being photoshopped?

It must be the Russians too?)))

From our interactions, hating Russians seems to me to be your maximum success in the life.
Too bad you're nothing!
stop spamming me.
Aww... did you get your widdle feewings hurt when I called you out for your support of your fellow mass-murderers and pedophiles?
Out of curiosity, was the screen name "Valued customer" given to you by Jeffrey Epstein, or your drug dealer?
I'm uninterested in your blatant lies, and don't want to be notified of when you lie, about me or anything else. You're spamming me, and it needs to stop. Quit pinging me, quit spamming me, keep my name out of your posts.
FACTS here is what you pretend is a "lie." I spit in the pock-marked mass that you have been taught to call a "face" and defy you to cite which aspect of the rock-solid, empirically proven FACTS here is a "lie" in your book, if "book" is the right word for the notes shared among your illiterate Kremlin-loving brethren.
I don't honestly give three short-changed fifths of a blood-dripping, syphilitic babboon's wrinkled, scab-covered, pus-dripping blue balls what a pedophilic war-criminal piece of mass-murdering, subhuman shit such as your pathetic self is interested in. You owe me thanks for tagging your pathetic ass in an article that surpasses anything you or your half-wit sons are ever going to have the undeserved honor of hearing in a lecture you were unfit to attend. Your name will remain in my posts, but only those that are designed to shame villainous pieces of barbaric shit for their open support of your fellow pedophilic war criminal monsters.As for "lies," I'll give you the same challenge I gave your boyfrriend, @vp-freelance. Cite what part of the empirical
You are a rapist and murderer, and a supporter of rapists and murderers. This is not opinion, it is fact. Your own posts attest to it. You are unworthy of consideration and your own posts warrant your inclusion in every post outlining the uncompromising numerical FACTS of your crimes. Your "name," if that is what you want to glorify your online handle by calling it such, will remain in my posts for as long as I, your superior by every known measure, wish it to be so. Your open and unabashed support of known Nazi Roman Dmowski has earned you this attention. Embrace it!
you're confusing the tabloids you're quoting with facts😆

Start with the facts of the pedophilia you're accusing someone of!
You're just as much a rapist and murderer as you accuse us of being But we don't kill and torture prisoners of war, unlike you!
We're civilians fleeing a war you'll never win, I don't want to fight!
You cite Tass and RT, and have the heek to talk about "tabloids?" Did you miss the part where the police report caught your boyfriend red-handed?😉
Keep trying, Ivan.
Actually, you do. Your beloved Russian brethren have openly bragged about torturing prisoners of war, while Russians in Ukrainian custody have begged to stay in Ukraine rather than being sent back to Russia.
There was no war until you came to Ukraine and started murdering children. I was there to witness 147 of my students, murdered in cold-blood, by your beloved Russians who cheered and laughed as they made sport of it.
You are a Nazi, a rapist, a murder and a war criminal, and I'm going to enjoy watching your highly publicized execution. When you get to Hell, tell your boyfriend I enjoyed killing him.
Once again not a single confirmation of your delusions!
Your sources are no better than mine))) Except I'm sensible enough unlike you not to call propaganda еру facts.))
I continue to laugh at your helpless aggression