Hi Friends,
It was a bit touch and go at customs - but luckily they didn’t recognize @rustle as a known escapee of the Adelaide zoo.
He got a bit contankerous on the long flight from Frankfurt to Seattle but the flight attendants loved him. Had to cut him off from the free wine though as be was starting to get a little sloppy.
I hope @rustle is ready for the cold, rainy weather here. It’s quite the temperature change from Australia. Maybe I’ll have to get him a sweater.
Don’t think it’s going to be all fun and games though - I’m going to put this talented little bird to work while I have him! He’s accepted a position as Executive Producer/boxed wine drinking buddy of the Steem Sister Show. (@steemsistershow) Wait, did I say it wouldn’t all be fun and games?? Who am I kidding... that’s kind of what the Steem Sister Show is all about. I think he’s gonna to fit right in.
Shots from around Steemfest
I’m sure many more photos from the event will surface - but he’s a few from my phone!

So what do you guys think?!? What kind of adventures should he go on with the Steem Sisters?

Woah!! hahaha I haven't actually seen one of these in real life. That's some impressive hair. lol
I sure hope he will be better behaved while with you than he was with me ;) Have fun!! And lovely meeting you at SteemFest!
Oh I’m sure he’ll be just as wild on this side of the world! 🤪
It was sooo nice to meet you too!
Thankfully I enjoyed the last evening with this crazy bird at SF3! Take good care of him would love to see him back once in Europe or maybe during my travels🤙🏻 @rustle thanks for helping so I could meet @coruscate😎👍🏻
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Look at @rustle bringing new friends together!! haha I'm so glad we had a chance to connect during my last few moments in Poland! Giving me a ride to the airport was super awesome of you.
We'll just have to meet again sometime so that you and Rustle can be united. hahah I'd really love to make it back to Europe sometime. I think I've fallen in love now that I've been there.
Hey @mattclarke, I'm in Seattle. Who's the Frasier fan now?
Have fun, mate. Glad you're in good hands.
Remember, you're an emissary; a traveling diplomat, representing Australia.
Best behaviour, young man, or Aunt Lea will send you straight back.
Oh don't worry - Aunt Lea will make sure he's well behaved and represents Australia well.
Let's be honest - i'll do my best but @rustle sure has a lot of personality!
I'll sort 'im out!
He heard American birds love an Aussie accent, and he'll need a wing man ;)
He heard right.
People stop listening to me all the time because they're too busy listening to me.
I may need to bring @rustle on a trip to Portland if he starts feeling homesick. ;)
All'y'all gotta slow down, son.

This is the funniest convo of this morning😂
Oh @Rustle, thank you for drawing me in with your rugged good looks and allowing me an opening to finally get to meet Coruscate!
It's what I do. I bring people together. Sometimes mobs.
Love it. Just in time.
Interpolly were about to swoop.
Thanks for keeping him one step ahead.
Phew! Glad I could play a part in his great escape. ;)
Yeah #goldmoneytshirttour!!!!!!!
YES!! I knew you'd love this!! hehe
I wore it traveling all day yesterday. It's such a comfy shirt!
Lol im wearing mine
Thats so awesome, @rustle certainly gets all the pretty ladies. Hopefully his Australian ways don't corrupt you too badly, he's certainly been known to do that in the past. haha.
I look forward to seeing more epic adventures.
Yes, he just might be a bad influence on me! ;)
Or maybe he'll convince me that I really do need to take that trip to Australia one of these days. hehe
geez if we'd known that we would have exported Rustle earlier.
Also check out my last post for a sneak peek of the guitars I was talking about.
I thought that looked like @r00sj3's bird when the pic first popped up, hahaha! Too funny. Take good care of @rustle!
I will! Although he needs to take a trip to the "doctor" because a few steemians got a little rough with him at Steemfest and he needs a few stitches. haha
Poor @rustle... A downvote for those steemians. Haha!
hey... there is always 2 sides to a story! :D (he deserved it)
Ok, I guess I haven't met Rustle so maybe he is a jerk and deserved it. I've met some pretty mean birds in my life.
I made a joke about Dutch people.

You had me by the parrot.. what was his name again? You are quite lucky he gets to go home with you. He is such a keeper! Hehehe..
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His name is Rustle! Yes, I'll have to watch out now that i've got this little ladies man on my hands! ;)
Oh what a cute name... Rustle huh..
Yes! Atleast you are no longer on your own now miss missy, there is Rustle your new buddy from now on. I am looking forward for all your great adventures in the future.
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Aw schucks. You're pretty cute yourself.
Oh my rustle!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍
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He sure knows how to party! The wine glass made me laugh a little bit.
hahah glad you got a kick out of it! He's in for all sorts of adventures now that he's hanging out with me and my sister!
Ahh. How adorable! I hope you didn’t have to buy him a plane ticket! 😂
Luckily not... it was a little touch and go for a while though. LOL
aww I seriously miss you already!! You must be so exhausted jumping from one conference to the next - but I hope you are having an awesome time!
Ha ha. No, it’s all good. I’m enjoying the conference in Munich! Hey we need to figure out how to exchange pictures! I would love the room mate one you took with your phone. I’ll figure out how to get mine to you.
Thanks for the reminder! I've started sorting through some pictures - but havn't done too much with them yet. We could all just drop whatever photos we have in the group discord chat?
Yes, sounds good!
Awwww he’s adorable!!! I looove cockatoos!!! 😍
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@rustle is the cutest one around too! ;)
Aww you’ll love seeing the real things! Although you can’t really cuddle the real ones you want to cos they’re so white and fluffy and cute!! Hahaha
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Hello! Since steemfest you have been showing up in my feed from all different directions. I thought I saw somewhere that you live in Seattle (me too!), but perhaps you are actually in Bellingham?
If it’s Seattle you should definitely take your new bird buddy for photos at the Freemont Troll or get some snaps with the fish throwing guys at Pike Place. ☺️ Since he is AUSTRALIAN the bird might also like a visit to the Kangaroo and Kiwi Pub in Ballard.
Wait you are in Seattle?? That's awesome! I feel like I don't meet too many Seattlites on here. You are correct that I actually live up in Bellingham. During Steemfest I just said "Seattle" when people asked where I was from - because not many people would have any idea where Bellingham is. haha When I met someone who was familiar with the area, I would clarify. :)
I don't make it down to Seattle too often (mainly because the traffic is bananas) but GREAT tip on the bar in Ballard!! I actually think there is a Kangaroo farm somewhere around here too... I'll have to look into that. :)
Oh yeah! The Outback Kangaroo Farm in Arlington. ☺️ The bird should definitely visit Peace Arch Park so he can continue to inspire peaceful international relations.
There are a few PNW folks hiding around. But you know Seattle folks.... we are so anti social. 😄
ooooh great idea with the Peace Arch Park! My sister lives in Birch Bay - so like 5 mins away. We'll have to do something fun with that. Man you are full of good ideas!
Yeah i'm trying to find out if there are Seattle or Vancouver Steemians around. Could be fun to do some kind of meetup at some point.
congratulations excellent work
I'm impressed with your posts because your idea is awesome with strong positive energy.You are so pertty mam @coruscate
@rustle at opening drinks makes me a little homesick ;-)
I wondered who it was
I am sure he will add a little pizzas to the show :)
This is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen. You see, I was at the first Adelaide Steemit meeting where @rustle decided to start his epic journey. I am somewhat envious of him being able to travel farther and wider than I have managed to, but I am sure I'll be able to follow in his clawprints soon enough!
He just flew in from Australia, and boy are hos wings tired! 🤣😜😜