Royal Bengal tiger is the King of the forest. It is sometimes seen in the Suburbans of Bangladesh. But at the present time tigers are slowly disappearing. So all of us should stop animal hunting.
Royal Bengal tiger is the King of the forest. It is sometimes seen in the Suburbans of Bangladesh. But at the present time tigers are slowly disappearing. So all of us should stop animal hunting.
bai apni khob sundor akti bolg poost korechen royol bongel taigar amader desher jatio posu
Thank you brother, to express your good opinion, Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of our country
right bro boner raja tiger.. but sundorban e ki kore r dekha jabe bz ..amra manush r je kaj kori...nice post best of luck
The Royal Bengal Tiger will be seen very well for the Sundarbans to visit during the holidays after brother Eid
ha bai tiger amader deser akti posu bat ata boner raja tiger ke sobai boy pay
Thank you Rubel brothers really Royal Bengal Tiger is a terrible creature but I'm not afraid I like it too
vai royol vangol taigar bangladesher khob sundor akti prani