
in #sadness6 years ago (edited)

Blue and white, framed above
Appealing to eyes that gaze
Mine, squeezed tight and numb
Oblivion lights the portrait of eyes rubbed red
Trees, feed my nostrils the aroma of nature’s bounty
Day after day, it remains the measure of Glory
But I hear your damned voices and see your clickety clack of hen clucked comments
Ceaseless is the flavor of soured humanity today;
Gone with the wind, are the charms and care of life
Instead of breathing in sweet nectar, I lower my chin to my chest, with a sigh
How am I to love my fellows when I cannot bear to know whom they have become
Why should they feel so remarkably proud to dwell in their inspector gadget delusions ?
Mindless goons that destroy innocent lives?
Whom are they to say what they know was researched only upon the internet of whatever?
The stones of whatnots other people installed for us to find?
Perhaps, one day they will find the meaning of that word.
I pray that the internet judges are given more mercy than they’ve granted others
For the thunders announce a day of reckoning

As faces and hands tear at me in pitchfork formation, I kneel and pray
With dirt marking my need and creaking joints sounding out the worldy release
I lay my cheek upon the cold, moist ground
So that my tears can water the soil and roll into a glass full of appreciation for the trees
Standing strong and magnificent, in my gaze; whether I reflect upon them or not.
Sturdy lives allowing carpenters to cut them to form the portals of entry
My fist rapping upon the solid expanse of wood, in an echo of my beckoning need
Home is the door that opens

Thoughts are the water of truth
Plant seeds of knowledge in fresh and open soil
Green saplings sprout in the earthy nutrition of a willing mind,
What springs might be a carrot, rather than the radish the gardener fashioned
Till the sands of ignorance
Until they are fine grains of thirsty foundations
Allow God to Grace your lands with truth and goodness
Pure intentions fertilize tomorrow




Because most people on the Nets are not real...
Find the Others... SteemON Sis-Star!