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RE: The Hidden Dangers of Safe-Spaces

in #safe-space8 years ago (edited)

Some people have accused home schoolers of this (we've been home schooling 20+ years). However, home schoolers in general have access to the real world all day every day! My children, specifically, are expected to chose a business at which to intern by the time they are 14 or 15. We begin a relationship with the owner or manager if we don't already know them. Most businesses will allow volunteers or interns at age 15 or 16. This gives the child an opputunity to interact with people of all ages, backgrounds, and education levels. We've had a time or two where I have had to intervene (a 30 year old was stalking my 17 yr old) but all in all the kids become adept at how to behave in a place that is not a "safe-space". When my oldest got to college, she was driven crazy by the "safe-space" kids. She described them as mentally and emotionally set back and severely lacking in disciplinary skills. She had graduated high school in the top 5% and with an AA in business at 17, while they were complaining that they had not been given enough time to complete a project (2 months) and expected the professor to extend the dates for them.