And there exactly lies the fundamental issue to the majority of today's problems. The inevitable social clash that is happening, deriving from each individual's possible divergence from the current political,social and economical situation.
The people who, for some reasons (and those reasons are a huge discussion) fail to comply with the mainstream choices are creating their own world, as they see fit. That would be quite a healthy result from a sociological point of view, as the very own existance of the human cognition results in different world views and therefore different social constructs.Life is indeed a bitch, when it comes to getting what you want and the accidents that happen to you throughout your life. As you said @kyriacos there are individuals who for various reasons have rejected the society they live in (atleast in the form they think it has) and are trying to shape these so called 'safe-spaces', isolated islands offering comfort and protection from the outsiders.
But it doesnt end there. And I really wish it would. It doesnt end there because some particular groups are not satisfied with just their differentiation from the rest. They believe that their existence and the prolongation of it, needs to happen on the cost of other groups survival and they are consciously acting based on that thought.
The terryfing question is: is life just a challenge of raw primitive survival both in the individual and group level or we can do better than that?