Safecrypt is a platform where the people can exchange their currencies in the lowest of the costs and also to have a full protection and anonymity of their identities. Also, the people can minimize their acts of putting their savings in any other place and instead, just use safecrypt to rapidly exchange their currencies which includes them having a full control of their money. It can reduce the risk of them having their assets of crypto currencies to go down on other platforms of exchange. The people won’t lose their assets anymore and also the market for the crypto currencies won’t get affected.
A lot of people who have put their trust in various exchange platforms in the past may have felt the sense of betrayal when their valuable crypto-assets gets lost due to any of the reasons but whatever it might have been, the loss must have been pretty irreplaceable. These kinds of issues are not to be taken lightly and that is why the crypto-assets have a new platform to allow all the exchanges to take place there. It focuses on providing a healthy environment for the team who are supposed to work in coordination with the other and make this process of exchange services a fail-proof one for the users.
Again, the loss the people faced due to the crypto exchange services are pretty big and years-worth of savings have been wasted. This needs an immediate attention and an expert way to handle such issues in a way that is most reliable and trustworthy. The safecrypto platform offers the people to keep their trust in them and use that platform for their services with the fee as low as 0.06% and the speed of service as fast as anything. If needed be, they can take the money out from their accounts and exchange the money immediately with complete anonymity of data and identity. They will provide their own wallets and the guarantee that they won’t ever lose their data.
The advantages that are being provided to the user by the safecrypto are:
• No doubts or risks of losing their assets and also no need to put the trust in any other third party platform.
• Rapid, safe and secure transactions are being provided.
• The data a user holds stay anonymous and safe from the noses of the third-party.
• The fees which is required is stunningly low.
• The market shares keep on growing and expanding.
The safecrypt crypto tokens or SFC is based on ethereum blockchain technology.
There are two phases of the coin offering of the safecrypto:
-The basic token price (no bonuses applied) is:
1 SFC = 1/15000 ETH = 1/142150 BTC.
Also, the ICO Pre-Sale phase starts on Feb 26, 2018 and will continue up to 5 weeks.
The next ICO main crowd sale phase will be started right after the first phase ends, that is on Apr 2, 2018 and will continue for 5 weeks. It will end on May 7, 2018.
Meet the Team:
For more Information please visit the official links below:
Author: Ahtsham
Bitcointalk profile link
Ether Address: 0x66EF10B68C2e765E9CbF5994D2d8CAd7F9b0E748
SAFECRYPT Looks like a promising platform a lot of investors does not want to keep their safe place where are they can see it knowing that is safe SAFECRYPT platform looks to have a high profit margin those who wish to invest and it look like it would be a lot of investors into this platform because your data will be safe road map look promising This platform will bring a great amount of traffic to the blockchain making it most profitable in the future I see a lot of investors coming and taking part of this platform as it seems to be a great addition to the blockchain system as well as seeing that it would have a lot of users as it has many uses including capabilities I haven't seen that yet in a platform so this is going to be on one of my top list for upcoming platforms this blog contains a wealth of information that is useful to the reader as always and where at value to the steemit ecosystem this will be huge as a up coming SAFECRYPTplatform project and as always those great blogs coming thank you family