Really? A lot of people listened. Deadly, super deadly virus, the only thing that can save you is the vaxx! Take it, and be saved! Save lives! Stay home! Blah blah blah.
Well, not that listened many at first, at least not he majority. But then came the coercion, that thing the government is best at. And the uptake increased over time. But still, people want to be free and not coerced into something, so they still refuse.
One ethicist at a university is pro-vaxx but refused to take it in response to coercion and as a stance for ethics. I think she got fired.
So what's this about? All over the US higher vax rates are equating to increases in cases. From Colorado, to Minnesota and Vermont. Over 70% injection rate and still the cases increase.
Then you have places where there are no vaxx mandates and the cases are lower. You have places like Sweden and Norway where they drop all these authoritarian measures that don't work (mask, lockdowns, etc) and the cases don't skyrocket while places that do all that crap have higher case rates.
Is it so hard to figure out? It doesn't work. It doesn't make you safer, if you believed you were in danger in the first place. Take it if you want, but know that it won't stop you from testing positive, or being sick, or dying.
This research shows no link between vaxx rates and lowering CV rates.
A new paper in the European Journal of Epidemiology that analyzed 68 countries and 2,947 US counties found that higher vaccination rates were not associated with fewer COVID-19 cases.
This is why I believe all of this is an IQ test and that most people in the Amerikan Empire (aka the world) are failing badly.
I think it's some sort of test to.