Recent years has seen a major upsurge in leaked documents from around the world. From celebrity photo's too important political secrets. It is evident that this Cyber world is not as safe as people think.
Protect yourself
This is no easy thing to accomplish. With recent leaks showing just how invasive some technology can be, it has become harder to stay safe. There are many different things that people can do to stay safe, but here are some easy things that people can try.
- Sell your TV! (Well the smart ones)
Samsung seems to have built in a back-door into their technology that may be able to Spy on you. At the very least, be wary of SMART TVs. I only ever stream. Usually through a laptop that is connected to a 'Dumb' TV. We cannot trust that SAMSUNG is alone in this and it is quite worrisome to think that this may become common
- Never use the same password twice.
This has been said so many times, yet people still do it. Using the same password makes it more likely for multiple account breaches in case of a hack. The weakest link is often your e-mail so making sure to use different passwords can limit the damage. I personally use LastPass to help with password management. That way, I only have to remember one very difficult master password. (32 Characters)
- Switch off your equipment.
A really under the appreciated tip. I sound like my mother complaining about "saving electricity", but with ever more technology becoming potential risks, switching it off when not in use can be very useful. I never switch off my PC, but I always unplug my Webcam and microphone when I am not using it. Besides, maybe Trump was right about the microwave oven...
Just a joke, but it is a serious possibility
- Invest in a desktop
Having said that, I realise that, most people use a desktop PC and not just a laptop but it must be said that laptops are a major security risk as it is a very commonly stolen item. At the very least, do not save passwords or do financial transactions on a laptop where avoidable
Political hacks
I would be lying if I said I hated these hackers. I believe they are doing a very important thing by exposing corruption and lies. I believe that a lot of governments hide behind secrecy and confidentiality in order to hide their crime.
That said, I do believe that every person has a right to secrecy and privacy. It is your job to make sure you are safe.
These hints are very basic and should not be the limit to your own protection. They are just some basic things I do that can be easy to replicate.
I had trouble uploading this post, kept getting a type error, but please do not hesitate to comment and let me know what you do to protect your devices!
Good article.
Laptop was stolen once right under my nose. Those things are like magnets for thieves.
Desktop > *
Passwords are also a mission to change everytime. But must be done. Good article Sir.