Please give me a follow and take a moment to read this post regarding commenting and spam. (tl;dr - if you spam, you will be flagged!)✅ @saharul24, congratulations on making your first post!
Helo @saharul24.. Selamat gabung di Steemit! Senang melihat anda join di sini.. sudah kami upvote.. 😎 (Secuplik kontribusi kami sebagai witness di komunitas Steemit berbahasa Indonesia.)
I gave you an upvote!
Please give me a follow and take a moment to read this post regarding commenting and spam.
(tl;dr - if you spam, you will be flagged!)✅ @saharul24, congratulations on making your first post!
Helo @saharul24.. Selamat gabung di Steemit! Senang melihat anda join di sini.. sudah kami upvote.. 😎 (Secuplik kontribusi kami sebagai witness di komunitas Steemit berbahasa Indonesia.)