"Crew of the mighty Frigate Silverton" – 04JA25 - 'Iceland to Greenland Sailing Race!'

in #sailing19 days ago

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​5-2.jpgTop Five Race of the Weeks!


〰️⛵〰️⛵〰️⛵〰️⛵〰️⛵〰️ (Race #21)

A North Atlantic Brine Adventure!

"Sail oan muckers! 🤨 -Keptin

⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ (In th' West...⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵)

1️⃣ Able Seaman trayan
2️⃣ Warrant Officer kevmcc
3️⃣ Able Seaman daveks
4️⃣ Able Seaman fat-elvis
5️⃣ Petty Officer jaraumoses🔺

⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ (In th' East...⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵)

6 novacadian ^
7 tesaganewton ^
8 darth-azrael
9 darth-cryptic
10 👻







📝 "Th' followin' previoos Top Fife winners must sit-oot thes week's contest in fairness an' proper ship-side demeaner an' sae forth:

🛑 🛑 🛑 🛑

1️⃣ bitcoinman
2️⃣ tamaralovelace
3️⃣ giotists
4️⃣ ruth-girl
5️⃣ adcreatordesign
1️⃣ bleujay
2️⃣ lupega
3️⃣ ironshield
4️⃣ kerrislravenhill
5️⃣ cve3
1️⃣ pocketechange
2️⃣ trumpman
3️⃣ punkysdad
4️⃣ chadmichaellibby
5️⃣ hivebuzz


⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓

References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, Googlemaps, Maps-For, YouTube an' Wikipedia. Data also sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

☕ ☕ ☕ ☕

📝 "Remember maties, bein' crew oan th' mighty Frigate Silverton ⛵ is a sure cure fur loneliness! We sail together...ur nae at aw!" 🙌🏼🤝👲🏼🥷🏼👩🏼‍🍳👨🏼‍🔧👨🏼‍💼🧑🏼‍🎨🧕🏼🤵🏼‍♂️🤵🏼‍♂️🦹🏼💁🏼🙋🏼‍♀️👩🏼‍🍳🤴🏼👮🏼‍♂️💂🏼‍♂️🕵🏼👨🏼‍⚕️ 😉 -Keptin

🍩 🍩 🍩 🍩




Greetings @novacadian ,

Happy New Year!

Guid to see ye in the Race.

Kind Regards, Bleujay

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2025, @bleujay!

Guid to see ye in the Race.

An honor to be in the pack. 👍

just in time!
good evening folks! ;)

Greetings @trayan ,

You are still the lead and what a lead it is...Fantastic news!

being around is fun! :D

Hiya @trayan ,

It is great fun to be sure....quite happy to hear you say so!


Greetings Keptin,

A North Atlantic Brine Adventure....it is indeed!

Appreciate the update....things are hopping! ^__^

Kind Regards,

Officer Bleujay

Weekend and I'm here working. Well, when I'm 30 I'll live a more relaxed life. Now I'm trying hard to achieve it. Every sacrifice is worth it at this time.
A big hug

Remember what I said about Silver... It will be worth 2 times more than Gold, when everything is said and done...

"30? Prime sailin' age Laddie!" 😉 -Keptin