
Spam is discouraged by the community, including comment spam.

Tips to avoid being flagged

Thank You! ⚜

Oh my.... Who are you? You must be the spam!!! You are successful to draw my attention by commenting like this!!! How dare you judge me as a spam? Tell me the base otherwise I am going to report you to the community! The painting is painted by me and the sign on the painting is done by me ( I use my name 'Love' when I sign on my artwork). Have you read all my comments in detail? The comment up there was my thoughts on @nymia.aryn 's artwork after reading all @nymia.aryn's post !!!

Not sure why someone reported you for comment spam. We get a few we scratch our heads over and it is probably the image you include. We commented since you'd been reported a few times although I don't think you are at risk for being flagged by anyone.

Thanks for talking to me about this issue. Isn't it important to sign on our artwork to prevent ill-used copy right thing as an artist? I avoid from using someone's photos or pictures of artwork especially on steem here so I thought it is better use my artwok.

Here is my original painting of that







Thank u so much, i really enjoy making this . Haha Vincent van .
Yes artist have eachothers back ;) X

Oh my.... Have you read the comoment above? What an earth he does those ill-manner things on genuine steem user?

Oh whow, well, I dind' t saw u as spam and you have told him straight up :)


I showed the painting painted by me with sign ' Love' to the only steemers to whom I feel 'thank you' even I haven't posted the painting on my steem yet. I feel bad about his ill- manner

Yes i Understand i think it's An automatic daily service on steem or so...did you report it?

I am a tech newbie and steemi newbie so I couldn't find how to do yet. Being steemer(?) is not easy for me. And English is not my mother tongue as you have already noticed I guess.

Thanks @nymia.aryn

I'm also nog very long here het maybe you can find it on YouTube? We have to clime here at steemit hihi. Where do you come from? I live in the Netherlands :) @love100