Saint Patrick’s day is coming.
What is the meaning of Saint Patrick's Day?
Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig, "the Day of the Festival of Patrick"), is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick ( c. AD 385–461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.
Although he was not born Irish, Saint Patrick has become an important part of the Irish heritage, mostly through his service across Ireland in the 5th century.
Why do you wear green on St Patrick's Day?
St. Patrick's revelers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn't wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers
Add a new badge to your board
Steemitboard has prepared a new badge that you will be able to display on your board of honor.

To get this badge, you will have to follow 3 very simple rules before March, 17th at 23:59 UTC time !!
- upvote and resteem this post
- publish a post using the #saint-patrick tag, where you share your experience on Saint Patrick's day.
- Have your post receive at least 10 upvotes
Really easy, isn't it?
Happy Saint Patrick’s day!
Read SteemitBoard’s latest witness report here.
Steemitboard is a project created by @arcange
Yeah right up my alley, as my birthday falls on St Patrick's Day :). I'll give it a bash! Part 1 complete, upvoted and resteemed. Wish me luck with parts 2 and 3! :)
Can't wait to read your post and the moment you will get your birthday's gift. One stone two birds =)
I really wish you good luck !
Thanks a lot @steemitboard and @arcange! It's great to see you go on dynamizing the Steemitboard initiative :-) And that's why I voted right now in favour of the Steemitboard Witness! Ne lâche rien, Arcange ;-)
Merci pour ton soutien =)
This sounds like fun, I've upvoted and resteemed. I'll have to make an interesting Saint Patrick's day post next week.
Don't post too late or you will miss the badge ;)
Poor cat. :(
@steemitboard - great idea for a post. The best memory that I have of St. Patrick's Day is when I was going to Catholic School, we got off school and went to a parade for St. Patrick's Day. There were many floats in the parade and everyone had a great time. On St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish! Happy St. Patrick's Day... Upvoted & resteemed! Here is the link to my St. Patrick's Day Post: https://steemit.com/saint-patrick/@wealth4good/the-saga-of-st-patrick
Cuento Express
Andando en el bosque el día de San Patricio me encontré muchos Leprechaun
Andaban por todas partes divirtiéndose
Yo me sentía muy triste porque no podía jugar y divertirme con ellos.
Implore a San Patricio
Me arrodille cerré mis ojos
Inmediatamente pensé en hacer un pintura con Hojas De Trébol.
El símbolo de San-Patricio
Todo me salió bien
Aplique la pintura sobre mi cuerpo y ropa
Y como arte de magia estába ya con los Leprechaun jugando y divirtiendo.
Allí dentro de la emoción
Pegué un grito
Diciendo :
Gracias... Gracias... Gracias San Patricio
Ese grito se escuchó en toda la montaña y la gente
Se preguntaba de donde proviene el grito?
Yo explote en risas...Jaaaa...Jaaaa
Lo logré gracias a San Patricio. #San-Patricio
awesome post.
and chance for upvotes.... sound more interesting .
i will try to post and make upvotes.
thank you
Great idea
very good article @steemitbord
Que hermosa tradicion y lo que representa en mi corazon gracias por publicarlo....te invito a visitar mi blog
@arcange can we make the post with one of our second accounts and have our username of our main account in the post to prove it or does it have to be posted on our main account?
Unfortunately, no. It is per account. It is too time consuming to manage exceptions.
Okay thanks for responding! Thought I would ask beforehand just in case.
I had posted a question a few times on a previous post asking what I needed to do to get my weekly badge. I posted once per day for a week from Monday to Sunday, but didn't get the badge. Did I miss something? Thanks.
@steemitboard Did you have a chance to look at this?
Great post to be in the St Patrick’s spirit 🍀
Thanks for this contest! Here's my post: https://steemit.com/saint-patrick/@btcsam/why-saint-patrick-s-day-is-awesome
What an interesting fact about Saint Patrick's day! Thanks for sharing @steemitboard and @arcange. Looking forward for more exciting happenings ahead. I love the badge.... upvote and resteem!
Thank you for the post. I have been trying to read more about Catholic Saints and it is very important that today somebody brought back St Patrick to my mind. Very little has been said about him, but he was great and it is important to consider him an icon. I wonder why there is so little said about him
¡Sensacional @arcange está lindo el proyecto! mucha suerte a todos los que vamos a participar que #SanPatricio derrame sus bondades en cada uno.
I don't usually do competitions, but this I gotta do ☘.
Good luck!
Thank you for hosting this contest. I'm fairly new to Steemit and I don't know if I can get 10 votes for my post, but I will join anyway. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone and good luck.
Image by AnnCater|Pixabay
Muy buena idea...Gracias
Made it. Upvoted and resteemed days ago, and just managed to finish my post. Hope I can get 10 upvotes!
Não sou irlandês, mas gosto do verde e da simpatia que St Patrick transmite😊
I'm not Irish, but I like the green and the sympathy St Patrick conveys😊.
Here is the link to my post.
Woo this is very very good post.I like it very much.
I hope every one had a happy time on that day.I also have I went to new place with my friend and find out the new experience. Happy time on my life . 😇😇😇
Terima kasih banyak, @steemitboard dan @arcange ! Senang rasanya melihat Anda terus mendinamisasi inisiatif Steemitboard
Tingkatkan https://steemit.com/education/@hanfazc/pendidikan
Awww... I don't have any St. Patricky post so I will wait on the next contest. Somehow I'm not getting any other awards anymore... :(
Upon checking my status it looks like I've got a few more activity to do based on the status bars. :D
Thank you for everything you have done for the community. To show my gratitude, I have voted for you.
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