Make me an offer I can't refuse
A handy generator set

Cellphone for pensioners

Constructionworker wheelbarrow

Limited edition T-shirt

For some nice DIY winterfun

Wipe your tears away, watching

another crypto blood bath
sources: &

A handy generator set
Cellphone for pensioners
Constructionworker wheelbarrow
Limited edition T-shirt
For some nice DIY winterfun
Wipe your tears away, watching
another crypto blood bath
sources: &
For me the generator set or the wheelbarrow please??
Deal!! Is it a present or for your own use?
I’m pretty sure it would be a present 🙄🙄
haha ik zou die cellphone zo gebruiken man.
Hij is idd best wel gaaf ja. Je hebt dan sowieso iets dat (bijna) niemand heeft.
hawaii dit is de reden dat het alarm af ging
Made me laugh! Thanx!
You're welcome, thank you.
Nice,nice generator for sureeeee!!!!
I wonder why ... ;)
yea,me also D--)
Die telefoon met draaischijf zegt me wel wat (heimwee)...heb er dan ook de leeftijd voor...hahaha
Me too ;)
yeah, that´s funny :-)
hahahahaha......i like the generator set mannnn.....
It is really an eyecatcher yeah. People hardly notice the car in the background. hahaha
i notice the girl back tatoooo.....
i think everybody like the generator first.
1st one is the best one, it's too good.
I like this generator set.
Can I also get the girl with that handy generator? Name your price?