Be People Smart and Guarantee Positive Results

in #sales7 years ago


The Book

People smart is not a concept you hear about often but in his book, Les Giblin wants people to know that can develop relationships with just about everyone.

If you are looking for ways to communicate more effectively with people then being people smart is something you will need to focus on.

If you are looking for ways to increase sales by building strong relationships then the information that I will be reviewing will help you as well.

From time to time we can all use a refresh on how to best connect with people.

This article will help you build the habits you will need to develop long-term relationships in business, at home or when you meet a stranger. You really can learn how to interact with anyone if you have the right tools.

Les Giblin’s book, How to be People Smart, walks you step by step on what you need to do to have positive results when you meet people.

These results come when you learn to work with people not against them.

If you are ready to be successful, achieve positive results, develop skills and learn how to work people smart, continue reading.

Why Are People Not People Smart?

There are a few reasons people don’t know how to connect successfully with others.

Many time we fail to consider the other persons feeling or perspective. We are too busy looking at everything from our own view-point.

We are usually concentrated on what we will say or do after the person finishes their last sentence. Our subconscious mind has taken over rather than us being present and using our conscious mind.

When we were younger we do not get any formal training on people skills in school. As we begin working, we tend to pick up some of the skills necessary, but all too often we are in a pattern of our old habits.

Because we are not taught these vital skills, we are expected to learn these success principles it on our own time. This is one of the many reasons there are so many books teaching people skills, building relationships and recognizing different personalities.

Why You Need to Be People Smart

Are you a person who understand why it is important to be a people person?

If you do, then you probably notice you get along with more people and on the average, you are usually happier. People who get along with other typically do better at work and can relate to a wide group of individuals.

Those who know how to communicate effectively usually make more money, have more confidence, friends, security and personal satisfaction in all they do.

Why is this?

Because they have chosen to learn about and understand people better than those who think they are already doing a good job understanding people.

8 Ways to Become People Smart

How to Talk to People

When you talk to someone realize that the knowledge you have is different from the person you’re talking to. Cut them some slack and relax if they say or do something wrong.

You should continue to apply your understanding in a professional manner but learn to drop your ego. Learn to communicate effectively with the person in front of you because everyone has a different communication style and you need to accommodate for that.

Do you want to learn how to make friend rights away?

Here is a simple tip, talk to people about their favorite topic in the whole world. Yes, that topic is, themselves.

You can ask them about their home, political believes, sports, work, business, religion believes, family, travel and hobbies.

If ever there is the uncomfortable dead silence in a conversation, ask a question to find out more about the person you are conversing with.

When you interact with people use words like You and Yours. These words help connect you and the person you are speaking with.

Do your best to not use words like, I, Me, My and Mine. Although the words are not harmful they give the impress that you are only wanting to have a one-sided conversation.

Make People Feel Important

The more you make people feel important, the more they will like and respect you.

Sounds easy, right? It can be!

The trick is to talk to people about themselves. Again, people love to talk about themselves. When you let them, they begin to believe that you are a great conversationalist, and they star to enjoy talking with you.

After you ask a question, all you need to do is listen intently. Listen with your eyes, ears and body. Listening means not talking over the other person. It means letting the person finish their thoughts.

Once they finish taking it’s not time to dismiss what they said. It can be important to ask a follow-up question.

Most of the time when we don’t ask a follow-up question it’s because we are not interested in the conversation. If you can push through this and ask a good follow-up question, you just mind find out something you never knew.

The one thing you need to be careful of is not to “one up” what the other person is saying with a story of your own.

If you do ask a question, use the person’s name.

Note that it is the most effective word in the English language to build rapport and relationships.

Agree with People

When you agree with people you do not agree with then just to agree. What you should do is find a reason to agree with people.

We all love the feeling of being right and have someone agree with us. It feeds our ego and our subconscious loves it.

In sales, when someone believes they are right they are more likely to make a purchase. Your goal is to help your customer make good decisions.

Use positive words when you agree with someone. If others are around project your voice just a little louder so others can hear you and your positive words.

If you are wrong be the first to admit you are wrong. People like to work with people who can admit they are wrong and not have an ego. We are all human and make mistakes from time to time.

The next step you take to fix the situation will be critical to your success and your ability to be people smart.

If you disagree with what is being said, don’t disagree with it out loud. Sometimes not saying anything is your best friend.

This is what being people smart is about. Knowing when to voice your opinion and when to stay quiet and just smile.

Learn to Influence Others

When you can understand why people make the decisions they do you can influence them. I learned this in car sales and used 9 phrases to better connect and understand my customer.

Do you know what makes people do the things they do? It’s their, “Hot Buttons”.

Peoples hot buttons can range from money, prestige, friendship, ego, security or something else that’s important to them. If you want to find out what is important to someone, ask some good questions and they will tell you.

People do not always tell you what’s important to them in words. You should watch their actions, what they are wearing, driving, where they live and what how they communicate their message.

If you’re in sales, a simple tip to influence people is to use testimonies from people who have purchased your product before.

We all want to know our buying decision is a good one. If someone else has bought the product or service, then we feel as if our buying decision is a good one as well.

Help People Make Up Their Minds

These days there is so much choice in products and services, it can be confusing when making your final choice.

If you are in sales or trying to get a friend to do something for you, it is important to give them a reason to say YES to you.

When you get them to say yes to you, they are really saying yes to themselves.

Get people in the mood to buy from you or help you. Develop an atmosphere where the answer is yes.

I believe people expect to say yes to you at the end of the conversation, sales presentation or after asking a yes question.

Being people smart is not manipulating people but it is guiding people to the decision they want to make based on their values, believes, needs and wants. You are just helping them get to that place faster.

Set the Mood

Setting the mood can be done in one simple step. It requires two actions from you.

When you meet people all you have to do is 1) Look them in the eye and 2) smile. A sincere smile helps set a positive mood. It helps you overcome any stress from the first meeting.

It does not cost you any money to be friendly to people but it can cost you friends, business, referrals and your marriage, if you are not.

Praising and Critiquing People

This is a skill anyone can learn and apply. We all like to be told we are doing a great job. It’s the feeling of knowing we are appreciated.

This proves people will continue to do the right things when kind words are said to them.

Find reasons to compliment others. Be sincere in how you do it and be happy for the success of others.

When critiquing others do this by being people smart. You should use the right words, tone and heart.

One of the best ways to critique someone is to let the know that they are doing a good job but they can improve in other areas.

If you are going to comment on some ones’ habits then provide then with a way they can improve. If you do not provide solutions then all your doing is putting the person down.

Thank Everyone

Thank you. These two words will get you results, empower the other person and grow all the people involved in the conversation.

Do not just say thank you because you feel you should. When you say it, do not come off insincere but be genuine.

There are a few ways you can thank a person. Walk up to them and say thank you. You can send them a hand-written card, reach out to then by phone call, take then out for lunch or better, thank then in front of their peers.


Being people smart is about dealing with people in the most effective way. It is about having confidence in yourself. It’s about investing your time into others even when you do not feel like it.

When you are people smart, you build stronger relationships, discover interesting facts about others, find out what motives people and in business you find ways for people to agree with your line of thinking.

Being people smart help you close more sales, meet sales quotes and can grow your company overtime.

Take Action

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