salt treatment

in #salt9 years ago

salt treatment

During World War II, the surgeon Ivan Shcheglov, widely applied hypertonic (saturated) solution of salt in lesions of bones and joints.

In the vast and dirty wounds it leaves a loose, heavily soaked with hypertonic saline big napkin.

After 3-4 days the wound became clean and pink, the temperature dropped to normal, and then superimposed cast. Then the wounded man went to the rear.
According to the method Shcheglova, saline swabs may even treat caries complicated granuloma.

Let's look at the effect of hypertonic saline into closed pathological processes in the body, such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic heart disease, poslegrippoznye inflammatory processes in the lungs, rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis, abscess after injections and others.

More in 1964 in a clinic under the supervision of an experienced surgeon who makes a diagnosis and selected patients, 6 days saline dressings in two patients was cured chronic appendicitis, 9 days without opening the abscess healed shoulder, the knee bursitis eliminated in 5-6 days , do not succumb to any means of conservative treatment.

These facts indicate that saline possessing absorbent properties of the tissue absorbs only a liquid and spares erythrocytes, leukocytes and tissues of living cells themselves.

The hypertonic saline solution - a sorbent, I once tried it on myself with burns of 2-3 degrees. Desperate to relieve the pain pharmacy facilities, imposed on salt burn dressing. A minute later, the acute pain is gone, only a slight burning sensation remained, and after 10-15 minutes, I quietly went to sleep. In the morning the pain was not felt, and after a few days the burn healed, as an ordinary wound.

One day I stopped at the apartment, where children were ill with pertussis. To save children from suffering, continuous and exhausting cough, I imposed them on the backs of saline dressings. Half an hour later the cough subsided and did not resume until the morning. After four dressings disease disappeared without a trace.

A child of five and a half years had been poisoned at dinner substandard food. Medications did not help. Around noon, I imposed his salt bandage on his stomach. Half an hour later the nausea and diarrhea stopped, the pain gradually decreased, and five hours later disappeared all symptoms of poisoning.

Seeing the positive effect of saline dressings usual pathological processes, I decided to use their healing properties for the treatment of tumors. polyclinic surgeon suggested that I work with patients who have formed a cancerous mole on his face.

The methods used in such cases, the official medicine, the woman did not help - in six months turned crimson birthmark treatment, increased in volume. I began to use salt stickers. After the first label tumor turned pale and fell, after the second - even more improved result, and after the fourth stickers birthmark acquired natural color and appearance, which had to rebirth. Fifth sticker treatments ended without surgery.

In 1966, I was approached by a student with an adenoma of the breast. The doctor diagnosed her recommended surgery. I advised the patient prior to surgery in a few days to impose on his chest saline dressings. Bandages help - surgery was not required.

After 9 years, I have called my patient. She replied that she successfully completed high school, feels good, disease recurrence was not, and in memory of adenoma were only small seals on the chest. I think it is purified cells ex tumors are harmless to the body.

At the end of 1969, with the cancer tumors both breast I was approached by another woman - a scientific employee of a museum. Delivered by her diagnosis and referral for surgery were signed by a professor of medicine. Again helped salt - swelling resolved without surgery. However, and this woman in place of tumors were seals.

At the end of that year I had experience in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. At the regional hospital the patient is strongly recommended surgery. But he decided to first try out the salt pads. After nine treatments the patient has recovered. He is healthy now.

Within 3 years, the woman suffered leukemia - it has fallen dramatically in the blood hemoglobin content. Every 19 days the patient had a blood transfusion, that it somehow supported.

Seeing that the patient before the disease for many years worked in a shoe factory with chemical dyes, and I realized the cause of the disease - poisoning of a subsequent breach of the hematopoietic function of bone marrow. And I encouraged her saline dressings, bandages alternating "blouse" and bandages, "trousers" at night for three weeks.

The woman took the advice, and the end of the treatment cycle hemoglobin in the blood the patient began to grow. After three months I met my patient, she was perfectly healthy.

Summarizing the results of his 25-year observations on the use of hypertonic saline for therapeutic purposes, I came to the following conclusions.

  1. A 10% solution of sodium chloride - an active sorbent. Salt reacts with the water, not only by direct contact, but also through the air, the material body tissue. Accepted into the body, the salt absorbs and retains liquid in the cavities, cells, locating it in its location. Applied topically (saline dressings), salt comes into contact with tissue fluid and podsasyvaya, it absorbs through the skin and mucous membranes.

Volume of liquid absorbed by the patch is directly proportional to the volume of air displaced from the dressing. Therefore, saline dressings effect depends on whether it is breathable (hygroscopic), which in turn depends on the material used for the dressing, its thickness.

  1. Salt bandage acts locally: only the diseased organ, lesion, penetrating and deep. As the liquid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer it rises tissue fluid from the deeper layers, carrying the pathogenic beginning: bacteria, viruses, inorganic substances, poisons, etc.

Thus, while there is a liquid bandage actions update the patient's body tissues and disinfection - purification from pathogenic factor, and hence the elimination of the pathological process. This tissue act as a kind of filter, passed through a micro-organisms and particles of a substance having a volume of less lumen interstitial pores.

  1. Dressing with hypertonic saline solution is permanent. Therapeutic effect is achieved for 7-10 days. In some cases, a longer period of time.

How to apply salt bandage
At a cold and headaches. Make the night a circular bandage across his forehead and neck. After an hour or two a runny nose runs, and in the morning will disappear, and headache.

The bandage on his head well at elevated pressure, tumors, dropsy. But atherosclerosis bandage is better not to do - it dehydrates the head even more. Only 8% saline can be used for circular bandages.

With flu. Apply a bandage on his head at the first sign of illness. If the infection has had time to penetrate into the throat and bronchi, at the same time make a bandage on his head and neck (3-4 layers of soft thin cloth) on the back of two layers of moist and two layers of dry towels. Bandages left on all night.

When liver disease (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis). The bandage on the liver (cotton towel, folded in four layers) is applied as follows: height - from the base of the left breast to the middle of the lateral line of the abdomen, wide - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen front to the back of the spine.

Tightly bandaged a wide bandage on his stomach tighter. After 10 hours, remove the bandage and the epigastric region to put a hot water bottle for half an hour, to extend through the deep warm bile duct for free passage into the intestine dehydrated and bile thickening mass. Without this mass of warm (after a few casts) occludes the bile duct and can cause acute pain bursting.

In adenomas, mastitis and breast cancer. Typically used four-layer, dense, but nesdavlivayuschaya salt bandage on both breasts. Overlay at night and keep 8-10 hours. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks, 3 weeks in cancer. Some people have a bandage on his chest could weaken the rhythm of cardiac activity, in this case, the bandage the next day.

Terms of use of saline

  1. You can use saline solution only in a sling, but in any case not to compress, because the bandage needs to be breathable.

  2. The salt concentration in the solution must not exceed 10%. Bandage solution of greater concentration causes pain in the overlap region and capillary tissue destruction. 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of salt to 250 ml of water - is used in dressings for children, 10% for adults - 2 teaspoons of salt per 200 ml water. Water can take ordinary optionally distilled.

  3. Prior to treatment, body wash with warm soapy water, and after the procedure, wash off the salt body warm moist towel.

  4. Material bandages must be hygroscopic and clean, residue-free fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. body skin must also be clean. For the dressing is better to use a linen or cotton cloth, but not new, and erased repeatedly. Ideal - gauze.

Salt bandage performed only hygroscopic, well water to soak through the cotton material - repeatedly erased, not new, no kitchen or starching, "waffle" towels in 3-4 layers and thin, good too wet, medical gauze in 8-10 layers, and hygroscopic better viscose, cotton for tampons.

  1. linen, cotton material, folded towel is not more than 4 layers cheesecloth - 8 layers. Only when there is a breathable bandage suctioning tissue fluid.

  2. Due to the circulation of the solution and air-band evokes a feeling of coolness. Therefore, the bandage should soak hot hypertonic saline (60-70 degrees). Before applying the bandage can be a little cool, shaking in the air.

  3. The dressing should be average humidity, not too dry, but not too wet. Keep the bandage on the sore spot for 10-15 hours.

  4. Nothing can be put on top of the dressing. But to secure the bandage soaked in a solution, it is necessary to bandage it tightly enough to the body: wide bandage on the trunk, abdomen, chest, and narrow - on the fingers, hands, feet, face, head.

Shoulder belt bandage eight through the armpits from behind. When pulmonary processes (bleeding in any case does not apply!) Have a bandage on her back, trying to get as close as possible to the affected area. Chest bandage should be snug but not squeezing the breath.

P.S. The compress can also be used for cosmetic purposes - it removes "bags" under the eyes and cleanses the skin
In clinical practice typically uses a 10% solution of sodium chloride (rock and no other) salt = 100 g per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of liver pancreas, spleen, kidney, and head dressings for better use 8-9 = 80-90% solution of salt in 1 liter of water). Salt solution should be taken strictly by weight container (jar) with a solution to keep closed, so it does not evaporate, and did not change his concentration.

Another source Gazette healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle, №17, 2000) indicates that for the preparation of hypertonic saline is not suitable spring, artesian, sea, especially water containing iodine salt, which is neutralized with a solution in the cookbook.

Headband with a solution loses its medicinal, antibacterial properties and absorption. Therefore it is better to use distilled brine preparation (from a pharmacy) water or, in extreme cases, purified rain or snow.

/ Here I disagree, although it is possible to use the above water quality and will give the result, but the time should never lose. Use clean water as it is. The salt itself has a cleansing effect, it consists of the elements of fire and water and fire and earth (black, Himalayan salt)

I used the water from the tap, without filters, blood infection after surgery on the Achilles tendon, and thus saved his leg. Note: A Nepeina /

  1. If the headache caused by inflammation, edema, swelling of the brain and meninges (meningitis, arachnoiditis), diseases of other organs, such as influenza, sepsis, fever, excessive hyperemia of intense mental and physical work after a stroke, as well as tumor formations in the brain in the form of salt dressing cap or wide strips of bandage in 8-10 layers moistened with 9% solution and gently squeezed, is performed on all (or around) the head and necessarily bandaged across the surface of the bandage a small gauze bandage.

Above the tie dry in 2 layers, better calico or old gauze bandage. Dressing is carried out at night for 8-9 hours until dry, removed the morning, povyazochny material well rinsed in warm water, washed off his head.

When sclerosis of cerebral vessels salt bandage is contraindicated!

  1. At a cold, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis bandage designed as a strip of gauze in 6-7 layers on the forehead (with frontal sinusitis), on the nose and cheeks with podkladyvaniem on the wings of the nose swab is pressed against the strip to the skin of the face in this area. These strips are bandaged with two or three small turns bandage, keep 7-8 hours, are used to curing.

During the day, mouth and nose should be to rinse 2-3 times with a solution of a low concentration: one and a half teaspoons of salt medium with a slide on the cut-glass (250 ml) of water, you can tap.

  1. Dental caries is also treated with a gauze strip in 8 layers, moistened with a 10% salt solution to the entire jaw with a sick tooth and bintuemoy 2-3 turns small bandage round. Superimposed on all night, the course of treatment for 1-2 weeks, after which the patient should be sealed tooth.

Dental caries and periodontal disease can be treated in another way: after dinner, before going to bed, to hold in the mouth a sip of 10% saline solution for 5-7 minutes and spit, and then into his mouth to take nothing. Toothache, even under the crown, this procedure can be repeated several times. When caries, granuloma complicated, as well as fluxes in the aching tooth, the gum (cheek) can be applied thick cotton swab (preferably from a viscose) thick as a finger, dipped in a 10% solution and squeezed almost dry. The swab should be kept up all night.

For sufficiently large cavities in the teeth, you can lay them (needle, small curved scissors) soaked in a solution and well wrung out cotton swabs and replaced with fresh after each meal.

The course of treatment bandages (in the jaw) externally and tampons to 2 weeks, after which patients teeth should be sealed

  1. tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, an inflammation of the salivary and thyroid gland (goiter) good treats gauze in 6-7 layers (from a wide bandage), soaked in 10% salt solution, running on the neck, the whole night, and headache in the form of a strip - and on the head.

Both of these strips (or one common, elongated neck and head) bandaged one small gauze bandage. The lower edge of the bandage on his neck (not to wrap up) to the body pribintovyvayut one turn of the bandage through the armpit of both arms and the back, and finished bandaging around his neck, without squeezing the breath.

  1. When pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema, asthma, infectious origin, tumors of the lung bandage with 10% solution is performed on the entire back, be sure to focus on the disease, and even the entire chest (men) from two "waffle" towels, folded in two layers, across each.

One wetted slightly warmed saline, lightly squeezed (squeezed liquor drunk back to the bank, it does not spoil), superimposed on the same wet dry in two layers, and both tight enough, without squeezing the breath, bandages two large gauze bandages.

The upper half of the back, shoulder girdle, bandage in the form of cross-eights through the armpit of both hands, lower - the second bandage around the lower part of the chest. Bandaging is carried out across the surface of the towel. The treatment of inflammatory lung - 7-10 bandages daily, the tumor - 3 weeks, one of them - every day, the rest of 14 dressings - through the night. These dressings also kept 10 hours to dry.

  1. When mastopathy, adenoma, a cancer of breast dressing with 9-10-% solution is made of a "waffle" towels, folded in 3-4 layers crosswise, in a strip of 25 cm width, be sure to both breasts. If there is a wound, it is covered with gauze with a solution in 2-4 layers, which is covered with a towel, and together they bandaged one large gauze bandage, without squeezing the breath.

Breast and other inflammatory breast treated bandage one to two weeks, tumors - 3 weeks (1st - every day, the rest - through the night). Running it for the night and lasts 9-10 hours