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RE: I love Broadway- SAM CHALLENGE

in #sam-saturday6 years ago

Your escapades and your friends at NYC, Broadway to see those wonderful shows. I seem to see this in many independent American films. It was a wonderful time and I'm glad you told us that. My wife meets her friends at least once a month and go to shows. I find it very good for her.What a beauty, @melinda010100! Thank you, thank you! I don't know how long SAM will resist. Doesn't matter. It was an inspiration for such wonderful posts! Mostly I am glad that it has generated confessions and confidence that such things can be said about our existence.


I think SAM is a wonderful effort and I see no reason why it will not just grow and prosper! I'm really sorry I got my post out so late it was practically Sunday. I didn't give you a whole lot of exposure with mine in time for people to enter also. I think each week as people remember that Saturday is SAM it will grow more and more. Be patient! I'm still realizing how many people have never heard of The Shadow contest. It's hard to get exposure here, except among your own group of friends!

Yes, you are right. We have to be patient.