Samsung unveils an expandable screen to protect your phone from scratches
Posted by: Ayat Hanafi in Devices and Innovations May 24, 2017 0 1,483 visits
Samsung has recently unveiled an expandable screen that could protect smartphones from scratches.
According to reports, the screen is 9.1 inches in size and can bend and fold to a half-inch shrinkage before returning to its original shape. The technology giant is expected to present the technology at the Society for Information Display 2017, Begins Tuesday at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
The OLED displays offer the best color and highest quality on the market. The technology is still in its early stages, but it can revolutionize the technology world and can be used in virtual reality technology and all kinds of devices.
A spokesman for Samsung said in an interview with the Korea Herald: "While the flexible Oleid screens can only be turned on one side, they can be turned into expandable screens." Last year, Samsung introduced a patent that allows the phone to halve, The Korean company did not confirm when the technology would be available in the market.
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