Samsung Galaxy On8 with Infinity display and dual Back cameras has been launched in India at Rs 16,990. The phone will be available from August 6 on Flipkart and Samsung Online Shop. The Galaxy On8 can be purchased with no cost EMI as well as special data offers. Galaxy On8 also comes pre-loaded with Samsung Mall, a ‘Make for India’ feature that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to let users directly shop for a product on e-commerce platforms, by clicking a photo of it through the phone’s camera.
Samsung Galaxy On8 gets a 6-inch HD+ Super AMOLED Infinity Display with 18.5:9 aspect ratio . The phone comes within feature of dual rear cameras, a combination of a 16MP primary sensor with f/1.7 aperture and a 5MP secondary lens with f/1.9 aperture. The front camera is 16MP with f/1.9 aperture. As said by Samsung the phone include many nw feature related to cameras like: the cameras are powered by AI and supports features such as Live Focus, Background Blur Shape, Portrait Dolly, and Portrait Backdrop.
And alongwith Camera this new feature mobile is powered by the Snapdragon 450 processor, coupled with 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage (expandable up to 256GB via a microSD card slot). The phone is backed by a 3,500 mAh battery. It runs Android 8.0 Oreo. The “Chat Over Video” feature allows for watching video while chatting thanks to a transparent keyboard.
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