Yes, friends, Samsung has cut its Galaxy J2 Pro and Galaxy J2 (2017) smartphones in India today. The price of J2 Pro is now just Rs 7,690, while the price of J2 (2017) is just Rs 6,590. This new price for both phones will be started on Wednesday, February 21, from online and offline retailers.
Samsung launched Galaxy J2 Pro in July 2016 for Rs 9,890 and the Galaxy J2 (2017) was launched in October last year. J2 (2017) was launched at Rs 7,390.
The first news of the fall in prices of Samsung's phones is revealed by Mumbai's mobile retailer, Mahesh Telecom. Due to a decrease in prices, Samsung may re-acquire its stock in the smartphone Affordable smartphone market. Because Samsung is now getting a tough competition from Samsung company Shaomi.