My first post of Yoga

in #sanyomyoga7 years ago

Hi Steemitans,

As I  promised starting with frst Asana,

Lotus pose (Padmasana) Padma = Lotus

Here is some example how to do it this Asana:

This pose is very important because its also poze for meditation, but for meditation I will talk in another post 

It should be emphasized the following:

In this pose,  the spine should be flat, long neck,  sitting bones mast be deep on the floor, and eyes must be closed.

The hands are streight,  taking care not to bend in your elbows.

Who can not do this pose, foloe the next pictures:

 That's it for now... 

The sequel to this Asani follows, and by then a nice greeting with bonus two photos

Ova poza je vrlo bitna jer služi i kod meditacije koja je isto dio yoge, 

time čemo se pozabaviti kada ćemo obrađivati meditaciju etc.

Potrebno je naglasiti slijedeće: 

U ovoj pozi kralježnica mora biti potpuno ravna, vrat dugačak sjedne kosti duboko u podlozi, oči zatvorene. 

Ruke držimo ravno, pazeći da nisi savijene u laktovima.  

Toliko za sada...

Nastavak o ovoj Asani slijedi, a do tada lijepi pozdrav  uz bonus dvije fotografije

Your Sany



Such a great idea breaking down the poses in this way. Looking forward to reading more.

Tank you very much. I`m glad that you start following me.
As soon as i can, I will be continued with that.
You can expect lot of it.