Satanic Secret Societies

in #satanic7 years ago (edited)


Satanic Secret Societies
By Amir Fatir

Ye are of your father
the devil and the lusts
of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from
the beginning and abode
not in truth for there is
no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie
he speaketh his own
for he is a liar and the
father of it.

John 8:32

The military/security wing of the extra-terrestrial Anunnaki were called Jinn. It is a word that means "hidden reptile". They are the same species as those called Malachim or angels. Malachim (Arabic mala-i kat) is said to mean "messengers”, but that's false. It means "kings" for the olden rulers over the planet, the old royals, were extra-terrestrial kings.

If there is a difference between Malachim and jinn it's that the former were meant to rule (they believed) while the latter were meant to enforce and serve that "royal" rule.

But, as is common among military professionals, the jinn (Sumerian Gan) pulled a coup or a series of coups so there is always intrigue among the reptiles.

Another word for the order of warrior angels is Shaytan.

The jinn produced a genetically hybrid group of intermediaries between themselves and their human slaves and those hybrids are called mushrikoon in the Qur’an.

O you Amen initiates,
the hybrids are definitely

Quran 9:28

To carry out the covert global enslavement of humanity on behalf of the jinn, the hybrids formed various secret societies such as Skull and Bones, Masons, Knights Templar, et. al.

Surely the Secret societies
are from Shaytan to
cause grief to those who
Strive to attain Amen
Quran 58:10

The hybrids continue today as the blueblood families who secretly own and control the Planet. The most prominent ones are:

  1. Rothchild (Bauer)
  2. Bruce
  3. Cavendish (Kennedy)
  4. de Medici
  5. Hanover
  6. Hapsburg
  7. Krupps
  8. Plantagenet
  9. Rockefeller
  10. Rominov
  11. Sinclair (St. Clair)
  12. Warburg (del Banco)
  13. Windsor (actually Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

The Honourable Elijah Muhammed (himself a mason sworn to secrecy), encoded these 13 blueblood families in his famous "History of Mr. Yakub”. He said to graft the devil, the original man had to undergo "thirteen dilutions of blood".

These hybrid blueblood dynasties contain high levels of the reptilian blood in their genes. They intermarry to keep their snake blood from being further "diluted".

Many of the mainstream politicians, bankers and especially espionage and "foreign service" personnel are actually the bastard children of blueblood explosions of lust.

The word "Kaafir" means "coverer" and that describes the hybrids and their minnions who cover up and obscure the truth about aliens, interdimensional interaction, who really runs the puppet governments, toxins in the environment and the fact that the USA and Russia have been engaged in nuclear wars against various aliens since the 1960's. These aliens live beneath ground and underwater and the bombing of them is covered up as "nuclear tests".

Then Shaytan tripped them
up and expelled them from
what they'd been in.
We said: "Get down! Some
of you are enemies to
others. And for you in
the Earth is a waystation
as well as an amusement
park until a time."
Quartan 2:36

Both man and Satan were put down to earth and even inside the earth. Enemy factions are waging and have long waged their wars.

The blueblood hybrids, protected and supported by their secret societies, commit rape, murder, child molestation, human sacrifice, blood drinking, feces eating, bestiality and every rotten filthy thing imaginable as a way of life.

The Quran points out Satan's boast that he will make evil seem beautiful. It's reached the point that freaks are now so bold that they try to impose their filth on everyone else and nobody had better even complain.
Because the bluebloods are so inbred, they often suffer from diseases like haemophilia. Among other things. blood drinking is meant to provide them with substances that their own blood lacks.
Many of them are real vampires.

They cavort with paedophiles to obtain children for their lusts and their Satanic rituals. Via their stooges who work as bureaucrats in such paedophile enabling nations as "Child Service" they do all in their power to separate children from their natural parents and to force drugs and crippling poison "vaccinations" upon them so when they rape their children, no one will listen or believe them when they cry.

Many judges, senators, police and other "pillars of society" rape children, and many who don't, enable the rapists by refusing to expose them and their crimes.