You make an excellent and extremely important point of quite frightening potential. For me that very real possibility ties into the mind control in the matrix used in myriad ways which has permeated all aspects of society, in my opinion, via the music industry, books, television, film, Hollywood, msm, fashion, the education system and other government programs like social services, health care, etc. etc. Most people have become so accustomed to the programming and effectively re-framed to sync up with the desired socially engineered world that they are not aware of how it may have changed their behaviour and nature. In so doing they are in the process of and/or have become the kind of people that you have described. People become the desired product - those that have lost their innate human kindness and compassion, become apathetic and may possibly come to think that hurting children will help them achieve what they are told are the desired goals and live the artificial implanted dream of wealth and splendour. In so doing they become slaves to the system and open to being compromised and controlled which will of course serve to perpetuate and expand, 'normalise' this heinous behaviour to form what appears to be the ptb's desired brave new dystopian world .
I find it all so very disturbing, especially since I see it happening. Thank you so much for your comment.