Satanic Principles

in #satanic2 years ago (edited)

In the relentless quest for greatness and elevation, it's crucial to set aside pity and weakness, parasites that compromise the essence of the strong. Like a diligent reaper, constantly put your strength to the test, for it is in this dialectic of effort that success takes root.

Find your jubilation not in the fleeting comfort of peace, but in the resounding victories that forge the soul. Let love come, but discern its illusions, all while maintaining a balance of justice in dealing with its complexities. Build not on the shifting sand of fleeting trends, but on the unshakeable rock of eternity.


Your quest must be a ceaseless aspiration for ascension, as conquest, the muse of ambition, never finds an end. Reject illusion and falsehood, chains that inhibit the momentum of the strong. Better to die in a quest for majesty than to live in submission and compromise. Celebrate the art of war as much as that of peace, for each holds a form of incomparable beauty.

The blood of the living is nothing less than fertilizer for the seeds of renewal and ambition. There is divinity in self-surpassing, in the courage to ascend to the summit of the pyramid of skulls, where the view is the widest and most revealing.

In this journey toward greatness, keep in mind that the natural order demands a better version of you at every moment. Death is but a fascinating riddle to solve, whereas life, in its mysterious splendor, offers unexplored terrains of pure terror and ecstasy. Know yourself, for you are the only parcel of territory that truly belongs to you.

Approach the darkness with an open and honorable mind, for it too has its place in the natural order of things. Finally, breathe and think slowly and, when that's not possible, remain silent and find your strength in this isolation. Thus armed, you will undoubtedly be indomitable and in constant evolution.