Here is a simple shot of the sigil of baphomet from my copy of the satanic bible. Some may say, are you a satanist? The answer is yes! An emphatic yes!
I first entered the satanic realm when staying at a homeless shelter in 2015. I noticed people with their holy bibles I thought what the F** is this S**! Seriously, your gonna shove that christianity god crap in my face?! I said no, not me, I’m not gonna take it. I became a satanist. It took study and effort but I did it. I left phony Christianity and Catholicism behind, my days of being unreligious were over. Never again will I submit to hypocritical self deceit, or buy into false dogma. I am a satanist for life and am quite grateful I found satanism and magic. It is an awesome culture, I highly suggest you look into Anton lavey, his work, the church of satan, his books. I really wish I would have found out about it all way earlier. But alas I did find it, and as they say, we are always right on time! I would like to hear if you are sick and tired of your religion? It’s time to get real, look into satanism as your way out today. It saved me, it may save you too!
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