The Bilderberg Group: European club and north america devil worshiper.

in #satanists7 years ago



Whatever the secret must be a mystery who does not know it. If you've got to the stage so curiosity, sometimes we become clever guessing with various perceptions and viewpoints that eventually not infrequently the more the secret was not revealed, but instead raises a variety of question marks. That is the secret art, only real and clear to the people involved, like the seven secret societies in the world below.

The Bilderberg Group

The association, also known as The Bilderberg Meetings and The Bilderberg Club was founded in 1954 by the husband of Queen Juliana, Prince Bernhard. The Bilderberg Group is an association of 120-150 influential members in European and North American countries who always hold closed annual conferences on the world situation, especially those related to the countries of Europe and North America. Because conferences are confidential, the mystery of this association makes many conspiracy theories thrive, especially in various media.