Bangabandhu satellite has been removed

in #satellite6 years ago

SpaceX's first Falcon 9 Rocket Static Fire Test for the US State of Florida in Cape Canaveral, NASA Kennedy Space Center, the country's first satellite Satellite Bangabandhu-1 satellite.


On Friday local time, Bangabandhu-1 satellite will be conducting a planned down-engine firing test. For this, the Flexon 9 block 5 rocket of SPEEXX was taken to the 39th PAD at Kennedy Space Center on Thursday afternoon.
Two-level rockets will be examined by the SpaceFlightNew to test the safety of high temperature components during entry and landing, to protect the excessive heat around the re-bulstister with the black-black interstate and landing line.
After conducting an automated process for Falcon 9 Fuel with the launch of SPACox launch kerosene and liquid oxygen protectors, static fire test will be done on Friday. The nine-stage Marine engine for the first stage will burn for a few seconds and will permanently keep the booster control firmly fixed on the ground.
Meanwhile, on May 7, the US State Department spokesman Siddiqur Rahman went to Florida with the 7/8 member journalists who came from Dhaka after the change in the daytime of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 on the launch of the satellite from the launch pad of Cape Kannavearl in the Florida State of Florida.
In the Cape-Canadian area of ​​Florida, USA, adverse weather conditions will also prevail. There is a possibility of rain accompanied by cloudy weather. Anytime in the coming week, the artificial satellite will be known as the final launch day of Bangabandhu-1 satellite.

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