Satellite is an important discovery in modern science. The government has taken up the process of launching satellites in collaboration with the world's developed countries.
First tell me what is satellite?

First of all tell me what satellites are satellite satellites invented in space process launched in space. We got the news of satellite or satellites in different parts of the world. The satellite is sent in orbit with rocket or space shuttle cargo bay. Inertial Guidance System (IGS) mechanism used to control rockets during sending. To cross the gravity of the Earth, the rocket has to run 25 thousand 39 miles in a single hour. If the satellites are not able to adjust to the effect of the Earth's gravity on the orbital motion and its inertia during satellites, then the satellite gravity can again be dragged back to the surface. For this reason, the satellite has been traveling around 150 miles in orbit or about 17,000 miles per hour. Basically, how much speed will be, depending on how high the satellite is from the Earth. The satellite, located 22, 223 miles above the Earth, rotates the earth at a speed of 700 miles per hour. Earth with 24 hours of satellite However, geostationary or geostationary satellites are in one place. They are used for weather and communication purposes. In the orbit of the Earth, the satellite goes round the elliptical path. Generally, different types of satellites are sent to 80-100 mile orbit orbit. Depending on the type of work, the satellites will sit at what height. Science satellites are set to study 30,000 to 6,000 miles in order to study research in plants and animals, to study the activities of wild springs, astronomy and physics. Again, the Goble Positioning System (GPS) satellites are set to 6,000 to 12 thousand miles high. One type of satellite has its own characteristics and structure. However, there are some similarities between all the satellites.
The satellite body is made of metal thong frames. Live it up It has satellite equipment. Battery to keep solar cells and energy stored on each satellite. Its power system processes are always monitored from the world. The satellite has an onboard computer that controls it and monitors the system. Another basic feature of the satellite is its radio system and antenna.
Satellite history

The satellite's historic satellite and the history of space travel is not too old, but very new. You will be surprised to know that the first step of the space mission started on October 4, 1957. The journey started with the Soviet Union. They launch the satellite called Sputnik-1 in space. Sputnik means the travel companion. On November 2 of the same year they sent another satellite Sputnik II to space. First US artificial satellite named Explorer 1 This satellite was sent to space on February 2, 1958. Vostok-1 called Soviet artificial satellite orbiting the first world. The man who went to the first space was Yuri Gagarin. He was a citizen of the Soviet Union. He circled the earth on April 12, 1961, in Vastak-1. The first Soviet female giant Vellentina Tereskova, moving on the artificial satellite called Stock-6, came to space in 1963. Intelsat-1 is sent as a communications satellite for commercial use. The first satellite sent for remote sensing or remote sensing is Landset-1 It was sent in 1972. The Apollo-Soyage Test Project, an artificial satellite, was first sent to space in 1975 to establish an international connection. So far, many countries of the world have sent more than 1,000 artificial satellites to space. Several hundred artificial satellites are currently being used and thousands of unused artificial satellites or parts of them are circling the earth as a debris in space.
Satellite's orbit

The satellite's orbital satellite is called the oval path, the path of the oval or the orbit is called the orbit or orbit. According to the height from the surface of the Earth, this orbit can be divided into three parts. 1. Low orbit, its height from the surface of the earth is 1240 miles or 2,000 kilometers. 2. Middle orbit, from its surface, its height ranges from 2,000 kilometers to 35,786 kilometers. 3. Upper orbit, its height from the surface of the surface is 35,786 km. To infinity.
Satellite types
Every satellite is designed for a specific task. Satellites can be divided into several parts, depending on the specific work.
Weather satellites
This satellite is used for weather monitoring. Earth's weather photos are captured by this satellite. Such as TIROS, COSMOS and GEOS satellites.
Communication Satellite
Communication Satellite Communication Satellite Signals or Signals are transmitted through satellite. Includes Broadcasting Satellite. This communication is also called Space Communication. This satellite has an antenna system, a transmitter or sender device, power supply and receiver. Modulated microwave or signal + high frequency conductor waves are sent to Satellite from Earth Station Transmitter on this system. The satellite will be modulated by the modulated wave and sent to the customer station located in the world.
Geostationary satellite in geostationary orbit.
Now, if a satellite is 35,786 km When the satellite is mounted at the height, the satellite rotates with the earth, ie the satellite turns around the earth in such a way that it takes around 24 hours to rotate around the earth, and since the earth takes 24 hours to rotate around its surroundings, the satellite will feel fixed with respect to the earth. Then such satellites are called geostationary satellites and this orbit is called geo stationary orbit or geocentric orbital. This orbit is most suitable for communication, but this orbit also has a disadvantage that a satellite satellite in this orbit can not cover the whole world because of the curvature of the Earth. To cover the whole world, there are three satellites in this orbit. If three satellites are in satellites, the geo stationary is located in the direction of 120 degree angle, then it is possible to cover the whole world at the same time.
Navigation Satellite
These satellite carriers and ocean-going ships are used to guide detect and navigate. Such as GPSNAVSTAR satellite. And GPS is satellite-based navigation system. GPS system is a network that consists of 24 satellites, which can continuously send information and photos of any location in the world at any time and in any climate.
Earth Observation Satellite
This satellite is used to monitor earth surface and draw pictures of different parts of the Earth's surface.
Military satellites
This satellite is used only for military purposes. Its main task is to monitor nuclear monitoring, radar imaging, photography, and enemy's speed.
Number of satellites in space

The Soviet Union was first able to successfully launch the Sputnik-1 satellite in space in 1957 with Sputnik-PS rockets. Afterwards, it was able to send other states including the United States. So far, more than 50 countries have been launched in the satellite space of hundreds of thousands, but only 10 countries of the world have been able to launch satellites in their own technology and own launch stations. Countries are Soviet Union (1957), United States (1958), France (1965), Japan (1970), China (1970), United Kingdom (1971), India (1980), Israel (1988), Ukraine (1992) and Iran 2009). Currently there are 1071 number of satellite-rotating satellites. And interestingly, it's 50 percent of the launcher launched.
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