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RE: "Cognitive Privilege" & Peak Social Justice Stupidity (satire)

in #satire8 years ago (edited)

I’m yet to come across a mentally stable social justice advocate. They cannot get into their thick skulls that being oppressed doesn’t imply one’s innocence. Given the chance, everybody oppresses and milks everybody else, and that’s how things are gonna go on unless we edit this evolutionary madness out of our genetic code.


If we look at the studies on altruism within extended families, it is not the case that oppression and exploitation are the rule; indeed it is implied by the data that degrees of altruism are linked to genetic similarity Rushton. Of course, don't mention this to a SJW unless you want to be called a racist or ... I don't know, geneticist is already taken.. a genetic favoritist? "You love your family more than strangers? You familyist! :P This would suggest, if I understood your "edit" reference correctly, that maybe we don't want to edit out our competitive nature, but rather enhance our innate altruism to include the human genome in its entirety? You gave me something to think about, thanks for your response!

Familyist, lol – learning new vocab every day!
By ‘evolutionary madness’ I was referring to the human animal being a slave to greed and fear, which are embedded in our genome and manifest in our daily lives. Purely biological existence is and always will be based on the food web. Transcending that crap would take a lot of editing on our genome instead of talking that, for example, whites oppressed blacks, when everybody knows that blacks would have done the same to whites if the pecking order had been reversed. We all are drowning in a big pile of shit the organic life is, and the fools are arguing over nuances of the stink instead of addressing the core issues present in the human condition itself.

Wow! Great thoughts. I love the last sentence. Never thought of this before!

Next one is up Frankenstein's Monster - this one has a more serious tone however.

Are you trying to make us feature every post of yours in @buildawhale’s Curation Digest? ;-) They’re really good!

I take it you enjoyed this one then? I'm glad to hear it, I wish I could make every read as humorously entertaining as this one, but sometimes I feel compelled to treat things more seriously. Ummm, well, I did submit a few of my recent posts to buildawhale in the hopes they get some more attention... is it working? :D

Don’t let all the praise go to your head, lol.