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RE: "Cognitive Privilege" & Peak Social Justice Stupidity (satire)

in #satire8 years ago

Jesus Christ, this is getting dire. Next they'll be asking smart people to voluntarily stop contributing to discussions and decision making so that stupid people can "have a voice." As if the quality of most discourse these days doesn't reflect the Lowest Common Denominator already!

And it's funny how people are always quick to cry "elitist" when talking about intellectual or verbal ability, but they never object to the people of the highest ability being the ones who get to play on pro sports teams. After all, it's extremely elitist to pick NBA teams by who can play basketball the best in the world. They should make the NBA, the NHL, the MLB and the NFL national lotteries where the names of the players of each team are picked randomly from the U.S. population so that no one with "athletic ability privilege" is unfairly favored for the teams. We could have a great selection of elderly, middle aged, overweight and wheelchair-bound people playing for the NBA. That's the only way it will stop being an elitist organization.


I had to laugh at the idea of professional sports having diversity quotas, good point!

I just think it's inconsistent that we don't want the "best and the brightest" in some areas because of "elitism," but there are other areas where only the top .001 can participate. We're suspicious of intellectual pursuits and abilities.