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RE: "Cognitive Privilege" & Peak Social Justice Stupidity (satire)

in #satire8 years ago

Yes, the root of the problem is the entrenched tenured Marxist postmodernists in the liberal arts and sciences who have mastered the manipulation of young minds and been carrying out a sociopolitically subversive agenda since the early 80s (as far as I can tell). I don't want to throw fuel on the fire, but if you don't know it, you should: The 45 Goals of Communism as Read into the Congressional Record in 1963.

What has become clear too late is that the Frankfurter School of critical theory (funded by USSR interests) gave rise to postmodernism and found its US beachhead in the Yale school of new criticism and intellectually legitimized the radical relativism essential for the social viability of Marxism. Striking at the root of the problem is a matter of refuting and intellectually discrediting the postmodernism movement of radical relativism, namely that reality is what we _believe_it is and not something that can be objectively determined (because human objectivity is impossible) etc. etc.

Once the absurdity of "I believe it, therefore it is so," is intellectually demolished in higher secular education and publicly so, the spell on millions will slowly break. Unfortunately, the so-called intellectuals of the last 30 years in the liberal arts have built their careers on the postmodern belief system and actually believe it isn't belief, but fact. This has caused them to create an echo chamber at the universities, where any intellectual heavy weights who could challenge their faith just can't get a job.

Anyway, I see that I should be writing a post on the topic, which is on my list of things to do, but still a ways off. Thanks for reading and upvoting Stevescoins!


Tell us how you really feel. But in all serious, you hit the nail on the head with that one. A big difference between Communism and Socialism, is Communists wanted to establish socialism quickly via violence and revolution, whereas Fabian Socialist preferred to do it slowly via propaganda and legislation. The word "socialism" is not emphasized, rather euphemisms such as welfare, medical care, higher other words "entitlements" without using bloodshed. They are using gradualism, and if you look at the Fabian symbol of movement, it's a turtle. They knew grown men couldn't be convinced, so they attack the minds of the young and impressionable.

Yes. the Fabians are in it to the neck as well. They figured out it was really easy to manipulate people over time by abusing the anchoring heuristic, which is exactly why we see the rise of this behavior in our education system. I am currently working on a post that discusses this topic. The excellent graphic you posted "When I strike, I strike hard" says it all. We are seeing the culminating phase within the education system today. Stay tuned!

Anyway, I see that I should be writing a post on the topic, which is on my list of things to do

LOL, this is exactlyy what I was going to suggest as I read the comment