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RE: "Cognitive Privilege" & Peak Social Justice Stupidity (satire)

in #satire8 years ago

Yes, the global reach of American MSM and social media is unfortunately spreading this belief system around the world. If you want to see what else it is causing from a more serious and critical perspective, check my other recent blog posts, particularly Social Justice is Its Own Worst Enemy, which will help explain why the concepts are so vague. You can also read my two part treatment of [safe spaces] which are a manifestation of this wayward ideology.

In regards to the pronouns, to date when I have been asked to appropriately gender my language usage, I have responded with something along the lines of "Telling me how to speak is a sign of your privilege, check it, please." Nothing better than using the terminology of the SJWs to stymie their anti-free speech views.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post! I appreciate it!


Wow...thank you for actually taking the time to responding to my comment @cupidzero. I'll go through your other article because you have put into words what I have been thinking all along and could not express. English is not my first language so I am not a prolific writer but yes, I have been following this "privilege" issues and how its slowly encroaching our communities.

I've been working on a piece about cultural appropriation, it might interest you: Horror on the Horizon - Cultural Misappropriation and The Politics of Oppression.

Thank you. Will sure go through it.