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RE: Original Short Film - SCGC (Students' Cardmaster Global Championship) - 7:02 - Satire

in #satire7 years ago

Really?!? A video game?? That's freakin awesome!! What kind of game is it, if I may ask.. (if it's not top secret ;)) And yes, people have many different mtivations for getting an education: To "get a job," familial/ societal pressures, networking... That last one, I think, is probably the most crucial; and something I failed miserably at while at Uni lol. It is nice to see that others, though, have been able to form and nurture these relations successfully, and maintain them too, which is the real trick lol.


I have a pretty big network and only a very small amount came through my university contacts. Most of it came from all sorts of festivals I have been visiting.

It is not top secret. :D The video game in question is a part of collaboration project with Croatian academic painter. He and his team are creating an animated series and we are creating a mobile video game based on it. We have a post with screenshots, explaining the game in greater detail, you can check it out here.