Fuck blocking out ze sun. Ve must KILL it for ze Climate Crisis

in #satire3 years ago

 "Klaus Schwab Kill the Sun"
Guten Tag Slaves

Some of you vill be avare zat I have previously floated ze plans to use giant space bubbles to block out ze suns rays to help vith ze climate crisis, vich I have been pushing for a very long time, unt still you useless peasants have not got on board vith yet.

But after having a sehr gut think about zis, I have come to ze conclusion zat it is not just ze suns rays vich are ze problem, but instead ze big issue is ze Sun itself.

For too long, human beings haf revered ze sun vith Godlike vunder, unt this ist a rather big problem, unt as I detail in my amazing book about ze Great Reset, ze Sun ist responsible for all ze emissions vich are made from ze cars (soon to be banned), ze farmyard animals (soon to be banned) and in fact everything above Absolute Zero zat farts.

Zerfore, I now think zat the only solution is ze total annihilation of ze Sun itself, as zis will have ze most dramatic effect in changing the planet's climate for good.

**So, I am announcing my new policy is to blow up ze sun vith ze nuclear missile stockpile vich we haf been funding for ze best part of ze last 60 years or so. **

Now, some of you useless eaters are going on ze social media and saying zat this is madness, and to zees people I have but one simple message: You vill shortly be visited by ze Gestapo police and will end up being introduced to the inside of eine industrial scale bug mashing machine. Don't like that? Well boo hoo, run of and tell your Mutti if you vant, we can always have her sent to one of ze very comfortable enforcement camps which my people haf being doing great vork on setting up in many countries around ze world.

Blowing up ze sun vill have many wunderbar benefits.

It vill make all ze crops fail. which is excellent because you know who eats the crops? Yes, zat right, horrible little fucktards like you. Zere are almost 8 billion of you awful kunts around ze world. Granted, we've made great progress, and now around one in ten people on Earth is starving to death, which ist good, but zat number needs to be HIGHER. Much MUCH HIGHER if ve are to achieve our goal of getting at least 90% of ze population to die slowly of malnutrition, Ja? Zer are so many benefits to Vorld hunger, not least zat it is even more effective than ze Abortions for keeping ze number of children down. I mean, who vants to have to listen to zem laughing and running about ven ve could be enjoying watching them all floppy and groaning as zer stomach acid eats their own insides. Oh such fun.

I haf put my best people onto zis, including Herr Bill Gates, who has done excellent work on behalf of ze WEF in ze past, what vith giving ze African children Polio. In fact, he came up vith a great idea before to spray dust into ze atmosphere, vich vould also be stopping ze harmful solar rays. He ist such a smart guy, unt doing great vork at buying up all ze farmland so ve can finally make all ze farmers redundant, because in my Utopia, food vill be a luxury item available only to zose people who haf a social Kredit score of above 5.3...and to achieve zat, you either need to be a high ranking member of my club, or do exceptional vork for ze cause, such as gang raping young children under ze age of 4 so hard zey end up vith an anus resembling a panda's eyes.

Anyway, I am going off on one of my long vinded rants now, and I'm a sehr busy man...zese Pangolin babies won't eat zemselves alive you know.

Enjoy ze summer, horrible plebs. It vill be your last.





"Small farmers, herders, and fishermen produce about 70 percent of the global food supply..."


I am surprised. Thanks for the info, Klausi!

Ja, you are very welkommen... soon, you vill get all your information from me unt ze WEF.

Fuck Klaus watz up? Ar you däd endlich? Or enjoing yur dörti wishi-washi life?