? I quoted you and now you backtrack? lol
Carry on. I will stick with integrity over reward fishing :-)
But I will ask. Is this place about Proof of Brain or Proof of stake? No one seems able to agree.
? I quoted you and now you backtrack? lol
Carry on. I will stick with integrity over reward fishing :-)
But I will ask. Is this place about Proof of Brain or Proof of stake? No one seems able to agree.
That's not backtracking. I was providing more context because it seems you were misinterpreting my statement.
Did you come here to be an asshole to me? Is there an integrity issue? Do you think I'll sit and write and joke or spend hours working on digital art just to fish for rewards, when I'm not even sure if people will have fun with the joke or enjoy what they see before I publish it?
Is there something brainless about how I've been producing and presenting my work to the public here for the past three years?
Why are you here, Nathen007? If you're here just to be an ass, you can kindly remove your ass, because I don't want to spend time on your ass, under a comedy post.
Was that a satirical comment too? It does however make my point that people here only like people who agree with them! Maybe we should alter Proof of Stake to Proof of Sycophant.
I don't find you funny. Never have, but I do admire you doing your own shit and not falling into the trap of writing for views. This wasn't satire, it was just sneering. There is a big difference. It's so odd that you of all people should accuse someone else who speaks their mind of being an ass!!
Enjoy the plaudits. It's a happy world where everyone agrees with each other. (that was irony, but writing 'that was irony' is sneering)
So there you go, being an ass some more.
I don't care if you don't find me funny. Thanks for admiring my approach. If you don't think it's satire, that's fine. You are being an ass. So what.
Thank you for your time. Have a good day.
You have a great day too.
Hopefully next time you won't be an ass. HA! I'm just being an ass. See you around.
lol...I probably will be ;-)
Hey. Don't worry about it.