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RE: Relict's Saturday Savers Club Report | Week 1

in #saturdaysavers10 months ago


Yes, I'd classify it as a dividend token from a holding perspective. You can read a bit more on it here Sanitorium Society Dividend.

ARMERO tokens are a tokenized share in a top ranked dCity city run by the founder of the INCOME token. It pays a weekly dividend (as long as the token holders can be paid 0.001 HIVE per ARMERO held, to my understanding). I'd say it's a bit more risky to hold (compared to INCOME or EDS) as it's dependent on the dCity game, but I love the flair of the token, the founder seems to run both the token and the dCity city really well. I hold it to show support for the dCity game, for gaining a small exposure to the gaming world, and for the dividend of course.

You might see references to that you can send dCity NFTs "Sick Citizen" to @armero and gain ARMERO tokens in exchange, but that function has just recently been closed. Just for information.

Hope this adds a bit of clarity on the token!